
How can I setup LookAndFeel Files in Java ?

I need to setup LookAndFeel Files in JDK 1.6. I have two files: napkinlaf-swingset2.jar napkinlaf.jar How can I set this up and use it? I would like a GTK look and feel OR Qt look and feel, Are they available? ...

How I do I make controls/elements move with inertia?

Modern UI's are starting to give their UI elments nice inertia when moving. Tabs slide in, page transitions, even some listboxes and scroll elments have nice inertia to them (the iphone for example). What is the best algorythm for this? It is more than just gravity as they speed up, and then slow down as they fall into place. I have ...

How do I force/get to use GTKLookAndFeel in Java on KDE?

Hello First of all, using gnome is not an option (but it is possible to install its libraries). I need to know what is necessary to display a Java Swing desktop application using the current installed KDE look and feel of KDE. Ideally, the solution should allow me to apply a look and feel that looks like the underlying windowing system...

Force look and feel on NetBeans 6.5

How do you for a specific look and feel on NetBeans 6.5? I mean by passing flags to the netbeans script (on Ubuntu) or by modifying the netbeans script or by some setup. ...

Java L&F customization: How do I use synth to customize BorderFactory borders?

Specifically, I currently have a JPanel with a TitledBorder. I want to customize the look of the border. In my app's current state, the title is drawn, but not the line border itself. If I bind an imagePainter to the panelBorder method for Panel objects, I can put a custom image around panels -- however it only shows up on those panels ...

How can I dynamically alter the Java LAF UIDefaults?

I'm working on cusomizing a Swing application by dynamically altering the UIDefaults. The end goal is to alter many of them (colors, fonts, sizes, borders, etc) and save the result on a per user basis. While it may give the application some non-standard looks, the client asketh and the client shall receive. The only problem I'm running ...

Java Swing GUI theming

Is it possible to develop custom PLAF themes for Swing? I would appreciate constructive suggestions in this topic Thanks ...

How do modify the look and feel of a Sharepoint site?

I somehow got lumbered with deploying SharePoint at work. I hate it, even the simplest things seem to be unnecessarily difficult. I've seen a few resources scattered around, but they all seem to stop short of helping me really take control of the css. Can someone point me in the right direction? EDIT I'm not afraid of the css itself...

Changing java lookandfeel without modifying the application

Is it possible to change java lookandfeel without modifying the program in a real-world environment? I know that theoretically the answer is yes. I also created demo applications and changed the lookandfeel even at runtime and it worked. But when I created a real application with lots of controls lookandfeel change was not really workin...

Is there any (real) Office 2007 look and feel for Java/Swing?

I'm aware of the Substance look and feels and that they have a Office 2007 look-a-like look and feel. But this look and feel doesn't look like the Office 2007 design at all, the colors are a lot different for example. Are there other look and feels which mimic the Office 2007 more accurately? ...

Can I use two different look and feels in the same Swing application?

I'm using the Flamingo ribbon and the Substance Office 2007 look and feel. Of course now every control has this look and feel, even those on dialog boxes. What I want is something like in Office 2007, where the ribbons have their Office 2007 look, but other controls keep their native Vista/XP look. Is it possible to assign certain con...

Skins in delphi7

I wish to skin my aplication and have noticed that there appears to be no obvious way to do this. I am used to skinning files for java and wondered if there was any way of changing the appearance of the "standard" delphi7 application. Edit:(taggs) ...

Good-looking Java Swing Look&Feel?

I'm working on an open-source Java Web Start application, and I'd like to give it a consistent theme across platforms. Metal is totally ugly, and I'm not particularly happy with Substance (esp. performance). What are the best Swing Look&Feel options out there today? ...

Java: GUIs must be initialized in the EDT thread?

Hi, I'm Jason. I'm having a bit of a problem with the Substance look and feel (https://substance.dev.java.net/). My problem is more general. I've already got my GUI written and it works fine, but when I use a Substance Look-and-feel, it requires all GUI initialization to take place in the EDT thread (Event Dispatching Thread or somethin...

Using Django admin look and feel in my own application

I like the very simple but still really elegant look and feel of the django admin and I was wondering if there is a way to apply it to my own application. (I think that I've read something like that somewhere, but now I cannot find the page again.) (edited: what I am looking for is a way to do it automatically by extending templates, i...

How to get "native" look for WPF widgets on windows XP?

I have just started playing around with WPF. I've noticed that while some widgets automatically pick up the native look and feel (e.g, buttons, menus), some others don't (e.g., labels, panels and windows have white backgrounds). How do I make all widgets look normal by default in WPF? ...

JTree connecting lines in Substance

Using the new version of the substance look and feel for Java, the connecting lines in a typical JTree are not drawn (parent - child lines). In the official forum in java.net someone asked the same thing and the answer of the developer for this is that it was a choice based on the newer UI's and there is no plan to implement the option ...

getting TableCellEditor colors to match match look and feel

So I have custom CellEditors and CellRenderers and although I am doing component.setForeground(isSelected ? table.getSelectionForeground() : table.getForeground()); component.setBackground(isSelected ? table.getSelectionBackground() : table.getBackground()); component.setOpaque(true); in my getTableCellRendererCompoent, the col...

Problem showing japanese characters with java substance

For some reason, when I have japanese characters in the title bar that is themed with java substance, I am not able to display them. Instead it shows as squares. If I have no substance theme, I can see the japanese characters in the title bar just fine. I have found ways to show these characters in all other parts of my program except...

Java Swing Range Slider U.I.

Hello. I needed a slider with two knobs on it (representing a range) and I found this nifty one here. However, they created their own U.I. which extends Java's BasicSliderUI. They override the paint method to draw their own knobs. I would like to use the default knobs based on the current look and feel. I tried calling BasicSliderUI...