
Adding look and feel into java application

I am working with NetBeans 6.5 IDE and i have downloaded a look and feel jar file. I added that to NetBeans by palette manager but i don't know how to use it to my application using code. Anybody please tell me that how to add look and feel into my application? Thanks.. ...

how to change swing look and feel in netbeans

i am new to netbeans ide , i have a swing desktop application and i want to change the default java look and feel (for it) to substance look and feel ( or other) , so how to add substance jar file to my project (i want to deploy the project to jar file) , and set a look and feel from it . thanks ...

How to get Java XP Look and Feel

I want to give XP Look and Feel to my Java Desktop Appliction, regardless of the platform it will run. I came to know that since JDK 1.4, Sun Microsystems has officially released a look and feel for XP - com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel I am using Java 1.6 but when I didn't find any package named windows in javax.swin...

How to change Sharepoint look and feel like a professional website ?

I am working on the MOSS 2007 site and looking to do some customisation like professional site. Professional means, at the first glance nobody can say it is a typical sharepoint site. example :https://www.twynhamschool.com/ I know to add the header icons and images in the master page with much afforts but still not sure how to approac...

How to improve look and feel of JAVA swing GUI?

I am working on a project that uses Java Swing. The default look and feel of the Java Swing GUI is very boring. Is there any way I can use a better look and feel? Something like on web pages... ...

What does look and feel (java swing) mean?

Actually what is meant by look and feel? ...

Over ride default look and feel Java

I want to over ride java look and feel. I just want to show the buttons differently. I want all the features of Windows Look and Feel but only buttons differently. I hope you get my point. Color color = new Color(220, 220, 220, 200); UIManager.put("OptionPane.background", color); UIManager.put("Panel.background", color);...

How to list all available LookAndFeel themes?

How to list all available LookAndFeel themes? I want to show then in a JComboBox for the user to select. ...

LookAndFeel not changing in Ubuntu

Anyone knows Why the laf is not changing in the following code? (running in Ubuntu) import java.awt.Dialog; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelI...

JMenu issue with Gnome's native look and feel.

I stumbled on a very odd problem while trying to set up a JMenuBar with the native look and feel of Gnome. Here is a screenshot: http://img23.imageshack.us/i/issuel.png/ It has to say File there but it gets cut out. http://pastebin.com/CjFhmxcf http://pastebin.com/gwB3vnC3 Any, help is appreciated! ...

When should I write my own Look and Feel for Java Swing instead of customizing one?

I have used a few different Look and Feels for Java Swing, but I don't really like anyone to 100% so I often end up with customizing it a lot. Sometimes I am thinking about if it is a better idea to write my own LaF (by extending an existing one), but I don't really know. For the moment, I mostly use Nimbus, but I change all colors (to ...

Look of the app - Py2exe / wxPython

So my problem is the look and feel from my application, as it looks like an old look app. It is an wxPython application, and on python it runs fine and looks fine, but when I convert it to .exe using py2exe, the look is just bad. Now I know that if you are using XP you need some manifest to correct it but I am in other circumstances. I...

Scrollbars for Infinite Document?

Is there a standard Aqua way to handle a practically infinite document? For example, imagine a level editor for a tile-based game. The level has no preset size (though it's technically limited by NSInteger's size); tiles can be placed anywhere on the grid. Is there a standard interface for scrolling through such a document? I can't sim...

Remove JButton padding in MigLayout

I have a small "popup" like this: But I don't want the padding around the button, I want it to be as small as it can be with the supplied text. btn.setMargin(new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1)); panel.add(lbl, "wrap"); panel.add(btn); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); At least this doesn't work... Can this be achieved on MigLayout or shoul...

Why Look and feel is not getting updated properly?

I’m developing a swing application in which I have an option to change the Look and feel of the application on click of a button. Now my problem is when I click the button to change the theme it’s not properly updating the L&F of my app, say my previous theme is “noire” and I choose “MCWin” after it, but the style of the noire theme is s...

What can you do to make your beamer presentation look great?

I just arrived at this page. It is both simple to implement and looks great. I'm looking for more such examples. ...

Wrong background colors in Swing ListCellRenderer

I'm currently trying to write a custom ListCellRenderer for a JList. Unfortunately, nearly all examples simply use DefaultListCellRenderer as a JLabel and be done with it; I needed a JPanel, however (since I need to display a little more info than just an icon and one line of text). Now I have a problem with the background colors, speci...

Where do you find images and graphics designers for your softwares ?

Possible Duplicate: Where can one find free software icons / images? Hi, As a programmer, I'm sure some of you already experienced the same problem: You create a good software (free, open-source, or for friend-only diffusion, whatever) relying on good code and good ideas but since you're a programmer and not an image designe...

What Swing look and feel should I use for a Java desktop application?

I am developing a Java desktop application and I use Swing to build the GUI. I realize that I can change the look of my app by setting different L&Fs. The JRE (from SUN) provides me at least two L&Fs, one is the default Metal L&F and the other is the "System" L&F which let my app have a native look. Also I can find some really cool L&...

swing gui improving

hi all , i am looking for some methods to improve swing gui for example i want to know about new components libraries , new methods to enhance swing performance , new methods to add special effect to swing gui and new plaf for swing . please i want to know how to use this topics and where to find some tutorials about it . thanks. ...