
Java Nimbus LAF with transparent text fields

I have an application that uses disabled JTextFields in several places which are intended to be transparent - allowing the background to show through instead of the text field's normal background. When running the new Nimbus LAF these fields are opaque (despite setting setOpaque(false)), and my UI is broken. It's as if the LAF is ignor...

Java Swing: How can you alter the margins in Nimbus Look and Feel

I'm trying to use Nimbus Look and Feel and I can't simply plug it in to replace other Look and feel because it adds some external padding around each component. So, I would like to remove this padding. This is the list of defaults that can be changed, however the following code changes nothing. UIManager.put("Button.contentMargins", ne...

Java: Altering UI fonts (Nimbus) doesn't work!

Hello! I'm referring to this Nimbus reference. I tried to set global Font to be slightly larger: UIManager.put("defaultFont", new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, 0, 16)); only for the menu but nothing else (buttons, labels). I tried to change labels and buttons fonts with UIManager.put("Button.font", new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, 0, ...

Where is Java source code for various com.sun.* packages on Leopard?

I am working on my MacBook at home, running Leopard, with the latest JDK 1.6 from Apple installed. In IDE, I'd like to browse source code for, but IDE cannot find it. Another example I'd like to browse is What JAR or ZIP do I need to add to my...

Designing simple cell renderer for Nimbus look and feel

I have a simple-ish cell renderer which is composed of a few JLabels (the renderer itself extends JPanel) and I'm trying to get it to render sensibly in the Nimbus look and feel. Basically what is happening is that in the lighter rows (as Nimbus has alternate row coloring), my specific cell renderer is using the table background color (...

Table Cell renderer using Nimbus and Scala

I asked this question about a problem I was seing with a cell renderer using the Nimbus look and feel and the issue has turned out to be possibly to do with Scala. Basically I have a cell renderer which extends Panel (as opposed to DefaultTableCellRenderer) and it is behaving oddly: it is not rendering the alternate row colors properly w...

JTabbedPane: icon on left side of tabs

hello i am using the nimbus look-and-feel and have a tabbedpane with an icon and text. now the icon appears on the right side of the text, while i would like to have it on the left side. also i would like to add some spacing between the icon and the text. thanks! ...

Set the Background Color for JTabbedPane

I am using Nimbus Look and feel. I needs to change the Background color and foreground color of the tab in JTabbedPane but the color doesn't set in JTabbedPane. I tried setForeground(), setForegroundAt(), setBackground() and setBackgroundAt() methods but it isnt works.This is my code public class TabbedPaneDemo extends JFrame { Tab...

Wrong background colors in Swing ListCellRenderer

I'm currently trying to write a custom ListCellRenderer for a JList. Unfortunately, nearly all examples simply use DefaultListCellRenderer as a JLabel and be done with it; I needed a JPanel, however (since I need to display a little more info than just an icon and one line of text). Now I have a problem with the background colors, speci...

how to choose a jre on runtime ?

i have a Swing app and i want to run it with Nimbus look'n'feel. I have the last update for the JRE and I know how to setup my app to use Nimbus look'n'feel using UIManager class, but I want my app to choose the right JRE on runtime to use Nimbus. How to do that? I am using Netbeans. ...

Java: How do I override a method of a class dynamically (class is eventually NOT in classpath)?

How do I call a method of a class dynamically + conditionally? (Class is eventually not in classpath) Let's say, I need the class NimbusLookAndFeel, but on some systems it's not available (i.e. OpenJDK-6). So I must be able to: Get to know it that class is available (at runtime), If it's not the case, skip the whole thing. How do I m...

From where I can get some coding help for Nimbuzz for iPhone like application?

Hi Everybody, I am trying to develop an application just like the Nimbuzz application for iPhone. Can any point me to some useful sites from where i can get help regarding the same. I would like to have some coding help for this purpose. Is the code used by Nimbuzz available on the net for public use or some snippet of the code used by ...