
How can I permanently have line numbers in IntelliJ?

How can I permanently have line numbers in IntelliJ? ...

Problems running Swing application with IDEA 8M1

Is anyone else having trouble running Swing applications from IntelliJ IDEA 8 Milestone 1? Even the simplest application of showing an empty JFrame seems to crash the JVM. I don't get a stack trace or anything, it looks like the JVM itself crashes and Windows shows me a pop-up that says the usual "This process is no longer responding" ...

jsp debugging in intellij idea

does anyone know how to debug JSP in intellij idea? when i set breakpoint in my jsp files, those breakpoints never seem to take effect. debugger never hit them. IDEA seems to think that the breakpoints are valid. i do see a red dot placed to the left of the line where i place my breakpoint. i read in intellij forum that someone indic...

How do I change XML indentation in IntelliJ IDEA?

By default IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.4 seems to use 4 spaces for indentation in XML files. The project I'm working on uses 2 spaces as indentation in all it's XML. Is there a way to configure the indentation in IntelliJ's editor? ...

How do I install a color theme for IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.x

I prefer dark backgrounds for coding, and I've downloaded a jar file containing an IntelliJ IDEA color theme that has a dark background. How do I tell IntelliJ about it? ...

BlackBerry development using IntelliJ IDEA 7.0?

I know RIM has their own IDE (BlackBerry JDE) for building BlackBerry apps, but does anyone know how to configure IntelliJ IDEA to build/debug BlackBerry apps? ...

Why does the default IntelliJ default class javadoc comment use non-standard syntax?

Why does the default IntelliJ default class javadoc comment use non-standard syntax? Instead of creating a line with "User: jstauffer" it could create a line with "@author jstauffer". The other lines that it creates (Date and Time) probably don't have javadoc syntax to use but why not use the javadoc syntax when available? For reference...

How do I get rid of "Cannot resolve property key" in fmt:message tags in JSPs in Intellij

This one has been bugging me for a while now. Is there a way I can stop Intellj IDEA from reporting missing keys in tags? My messages are not stored in property files so the issue does not apply in my case. I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.4 ...

Attaching additional javadoc in Intellij IDEA

When I use quick documentaion lookup (Ctrl+Q) on j2ee classes or annotations in IDEA I only get an empty javadoc. It only contains the basics like class name. How do I add the javadoc to the libs IDEA provides itself? ...

How do I get CTRL-LEFTCLICK navigation on Ruby to work in IntelliJ 7?

In IntelliJ when editing Java files, this works for me. e.g. CTRL-LEFTCLICK on an identifier takes me to where that identifier is defined. For some reason it doesn't work when editing Ruby code. Any ideas? ...

how do I use IDEA intellij to auto-complete method parameters?

I have been an Eclipse user for several years and I have recently switched to IDEA's Intellij. A feature in Eclipse that I really miss is how you can auto-complete method parameters with currently in-scope variables. This feature will, with a single key combo (ctrl+space) fill in all method parameters. As long as my variables were nam...

How select the rest of the word in incremental search in Intellij IDEA?

When in incremental search mode in Intellij IDEA, is there a way to select the rest of the word. For example, suppose I want to find the word “handleReservationGranted”. I type Ctrl-f to enter incremental search mode, and start typing the letters “han”. Now suppose I have found the beginning of “handleReservationGranted”. In my search bo...

Eclipse for IntelliJ Idea Users

I have a coworker who is looking to switch from InteilliJ Idea to Eclipse, and is concerned about not knowing the Eclipse set of commands. I was wondering - would anyone have a link to keyboard mappings that can set Eclipse commands to at least sort of match Idea? Have you made this switch? Any "gotchas", tips, or info we should be a...

Does anyone know some cool PL/SQL plugin for IntelliJ Idea?

I've evaluated some plugins from official IntelliJ repository, but none of them seems to provide more then basic syntax highlighting. Even highlighting is limited. For example, Database Navigator doesn't highlight IF. It would be great to have proper highlighting. And if it would have auto-complete feature and provide file structure view...

How can I run all JUnit unit tests except those ending in "IntegrationTest" in my IntelliJ IDEA project using the integrated test runner?

I basically want to run all JUnit unit tests in my IntelliJ IDEA project (excluding JUnit integration tests), using the static suite() method of JUnit. Why use the static suite() method? Because I can then use IntelliJ IDEA's JUnit test runner to run all unit tests in my application (and easily exclude all integration tests by naming con...

Multi-IDE Support in Java for one Team

What is the best way to allow a team of programmers to use Netbeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ on the same project, thus eliminating the "which IDE is better" question. Which files should or should not be checked into source code control? ...

Disable Ctrl-Alt-L in KDE

The IntelliJ IDEA short-cut to reformat source code is Ctrl-Alt-L. This happens to lock the screen in KDE (Gnome too?). How can I disable this so IntelliJ receives the key sequence? ...

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?

I have heard from people who have switched either way and who swear by the one or the other. Being a huge Eclipse fan but having not had the time to try out IntelliJ, I am interested hearing from IntelliJ users who are "ex-Eclipsians" some specific things that you can do with IntelliJ that you can not do with Eclipse. Note: This is not...

What is the best free plugin for Eclipse that allows for formatting/indenting/cleanup of JSP code?

I know that IntelliJ has an option to select all the code in a JSP file, right click, and select "format". This nicely formats all HTML, CSS, scriptlets and JSTL tags in a JSP file. Can Eclipse do this? If not, what is the best free Eclipse plugin that does the same? ...

Automatic JUnit on SVN checkin

I'm using IntelliJ-Idea to write Java daemons. We use JUnit to unit test our code and want to have automated runs on check-in to subversion. Are there any tools available that can automatically run unit tests and then send reports in email and to Hobbit? ...