



In IntelliJ when editing Java files, this works for me. e.g. CTRL-LEFTCLICK on an identifier takes me to where that identifier is defined. For some reason it doesn't work when editing Ruby code. Any ideas?

+1  A: 

This is because the program doesn't know where to find that identifier... it's more of a program use question than a programming problem.

Ryan Bigg

No, this is not the case. When I hover over the identifier, in 95% of cases IntelliJ is able to work out precisely what the identifier is (local variable, member variable, class etc) and show me the fully qualified class name etc in a tool tip.

Even the holding CTRL and hovering over the identifier shows the blue underline: it's just that nothing happens when I click on it. I would expect to be taken to where the identifier is defined. So either I have a configuration issue or there is a bug in IntelliJ - just don't know whicj.

James Sadler