
Tabs with equal (constant) width in JTabbedPane

I'm trying to get a JTabbedPane where all tabs (the actual tabs, not the components) have the same width (either the minimum width needed for the widest label or a constant width). I've tried to override BasicTabbedPaneUI.getTabBounds(int tabIndex, Rectangle dest), but apparently this method isn't used by the painting methods of BasicT...

JTabbedPane: Components before and after the tabs themselves.

This is similar to the question How to build a Google-chrome tabs and menubar interface in Java Swing? (I want to accomplish the same), but more to the point: How do I put components in front and behind the tabs in a JTabbedPane? I've already come up with the buttons-idea myself, but I'd rather have a JTabbedPane, since that is really w...

Java JTabbedPane, how can I select a tab from a button?

Hi all How can I select a tab as if it was clicked by clicking on a button? I have googled and looked at all the actions but there are just just so many... :( Anyone know off hand? Thanks in advance! ...

Is there a way to hide the tab bar of JTabbedPane if only one tab exists?

I want a behavior similar to e.g. Firefox where the list of available tabs does only show up if at least two tabs exist. I wasn't able to find anything like that, yet. The best idea I had was changing the layout manually: in case of one component, just add that to the surrounding panel if a component is added, remove the component fr...

JTabbedPane: Attach mouse listener to the part of the tab-select UI that doesn't contain the tabs.

This is in conjunction to the question posed here: JTabbedPane: Components before and after the tabs themselves I want to attach a mouse listener that allows for dragging the constructed google chrome-like frame. Starting out, the initial dragging code is rather easy, and the mouse-dragging code at this Kirill-post can be used pretty mu...

JTabbedPane weird behaviour

I have the following code : JTabbedPane container; ... AWindow page = WinUtils.buildWindow(); boolean existing = checkIfExists(page); // in this code, this will always be false if(!existing) { String tabName = page.getLoadedFileLocation().getName(); container.addTab(page.getLoadedFileLocation().getName(), page); } Component com...

After calling JTabbedPane.removeAll(), the JTabbedPane still has x number of tabs?

In my JTabbedPane, I am removing tabs in 2 different ways: tabbedPane.remove(index) and tabbedPane.removeAll() Both work fine in terms of closing the tabs. However, I have a change listener on my TabbedPane that calls back to another module to report on tab changes. This is where the problem is. When adding and removing tabs usin...

JTabbedPane: Actions performed before displaying selected tab

When one of the panels present in a JTabbedPane is clicked, I need to perform a few actions at the start. Say, for example, I need to check the username and password. Only if those match, the particular panel operations need to be performed. Can you suggest any methods? ...

What's wrong with JSplitPanel (or JTabbedPane)?

I have two panels that i wish to display to the user. I decided to add them to a JTabbedPane. I also want to allow the user to have a side by side view of them both at the same time. So I added the two panels to my JTabbedPane and then i created a JSplitPanel as such : tabs.addTab("Align Image Points", imageControlPanel); tabs.a...

Bringing tab to front in JTabbedPane

When I use setSelectedComponent or setSelectedIndex on a JTabbedPane object, the panel always comes up in my UI. However, sometimes the tab associated with the panel remains hidden. In other words, the tab does not scroll to a visible portion of the tabbed pane. How can I fix this? I have tried the cheesy select one index, then selec...

Java threading and the JTabbedPane dilemma

In a project I'm working on, I have a main class (named TrackWin) that extends JFrame. In this frame, I make use of a JTabbedPane. A user can create a new tab in the pane from the Menu Bar. Whenever this occurs, tabbedPane.addTab() is called in TrackWin. I also have a class called TrackTab, which extends JPanel. This class contains a...

JTabbedPane adding null components

Hi Everyone, Riddle me this: I have a JTabbedPane that has custom JPanels in it. When I try and access those JPanels, all I get back is null. I know that the panels have been added because on the UI I can see the tabs. I can also interact with the panels and switch between tabs. It doesn't matter how I add these JPanels, it always return...

Why won't this Swing tabbed pane display?

Hi all, Could someone explain what I am doing wrong with my classes that my JTabbedPane doesn't display when the JFrame.setvisible is set to true? Yes, the main method of the program (which I won't put here) uses the event dispatching thread to initiate ArionGUI. Here is my code for the JFrame: import javax.swing.*; public class ...

GUI program, problem with tabbedpanes

I am creating a GUI program using MVC which should look like this.. I have created a Window and Panel class. I am thinking of creating the Input and Display tabs in the Panel class and then creating two more classes, InputPanel and DisplayPanel. So the InputPanel will contain the stuff in this picture under the Input tab and same for t...

problem with putting things inside a tabbed pane

I need to put check boxes inside tabbed panes, but they are always on the outside like this I want to put the murder check box inside the Input tab. This is what I have in my code import model.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Panel extends JPanel { JPanel panel = new JPanel(); public Panel(Prison p...

JTabbedPane: icon on left side of tabs

hello i am using the nimbus look-and-feel and have a tabbedpane with an icon and text. now the icon appears on the right side of the text, while i would like to have it on the left side. also i would like to add some spacing between the icon and the text. thanks! ...

Capturing the close tab event of a JTabbedPanel in Java Swing

Is it possible to capture the close tab event for a JTabbedPanel in Java Swing. I want to check for some conditions and if they are not met, then I have to prevent the user from closing it. Thanks! Update: I created a custom event, based on this code and it solved my problem. ...

Java: "Add Tab Button" for a JTabbedPane

Hi, Is it possible to add a button to a tabbedpane like in firefox. The green plus-button is what I want. Thanks ...

Java JTabbedPane questions

I'm using a JTabbedPane to hold each step in the wizard that I am building. Navigation between steps is doing using the Previous/Next buttons or by selecting a tab. The buttons decrement/increment the JTabbedPane's SelectedIndex. I need to validate each step before proceeding to the next step. Essentially, I'm having difficulty deter...

Controlling Color in Java Tabbed Pane.

I have been going nuts trying to figure this out. I am trying to elimenate a light blue background that appears in a JTabbedPane. I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Below is my code. If you run it, it will show the tab, when selected with a light blue background and a thing blue border at the top. I want to control ...