This is in conjunction to the question posed here: JTabbedPane: Components before and after the tabs themselves
I want to attach a mouse listener that allows for dragging the constructed google chrome-like frame. Starting out, the initial dragging code is rather easy, and the mouse-dragging code at this Kirill-post can be used pretty much directly. I'd only want this behaviour if the user clicks and drags on the "title bar" of the frame, that is, the area where the tabs (the stick-uppers) reside. This is also easy - just change the dragging code to only accept clicks in the upper area of the JTabbedPane, the part that contains the tabs.
However, I want to reduce the grabbable area further, and only allow click-and-drag-frame in the area NOT occupied by the tabs (the stick-uppers - anyone have a better name for this GUI element?) - again quite like Google Chrome (Chrome also adds a bar above the tabs when in windowed mode, to easier get hold of the frame if many tabs are active. But Chrome do this perfect: It is possible to grab the window in the tabbed part that doesn't have tabs, and even in the small v's inbetween the tabs!)
What I'd effectively want to do, is to be able to attach the mouse listeners to the background of the GUI for the tabs - but how to accomplish something like this?