
How to use MigLayout?

Hi folks, I read some information about Java layout managers and the recommendation was MigLayout. My problem is, that I didn't found any tutorial or easy step-by-step documentation. So I want to know how this all works, but I don't know how. Hope, it's not to trivial. Thanks in advance, guerda ...

How to get MigLayout to work with my project?

I'm trying to make a small GUI app and I want to use MigLayout with it. As Java newbie I don't know how to get MigLayout to work with my code and I'm running out of ideas. My project source code is in ~/git/project/src/qdb/ The qdb is my java package name. I downloaded miglayout-3.7-swing.jar and miglayout-3.7.jar and placed them to m...

How do I use MiG Layout with Eclipse?

I've been Googling and checking on Stack Overflow and nothing has helped... hopefully someone can. I usually just write my code by hand, but I'm working on a Java project that has a GUI aspect and I like what MiG Layout has to offer so I want to use it. I've downloaded the .jar file from the website, but I can't seem to be able to acces...

MigLayout Question

I need to layout a panel on the top of my Dialog so that it has two buttons (Save and Cancel). I want the save to be on the left and Cancel to be on the right side. I've created a JPanel using the MigLayout and docked it to the north of the content pane, and can't for the life of me figure out how to add the two buttons to it so that t...

callback dock demo in Miglayout

can anyone suggest where i can get a hold of the source code for the callback dock demo application in Miglayout site. such a tutorial would also be ok. thanks. ...

Span/Grow bug in MigLayout?

The following is close to what I want, and does what I expect: import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; public class MigBug extends JFrame { public static void main(String args[]) { M...

How do I control the overall size constraints of a panel with MigLayout?

I am testing out MigLayout for a project, and I can't seem to figure out the MigLayout way of controlling the size of the whole panel which is being layed out. I am adapting the example in the MigLayout whitepaper. Also, I am writing in Python and using Jython rather than writing in Java. That said, here is my current code. layout = Mig...

Can I use MiGLayout with C++?

I wonder if there is a C++ port if MiGLayout or if there is a way that I can use MiGLayout with C++. ...

How to force a component to grow in MigLayout in Java

I have a component that is made up of various components such as a checkbox a slider and some buttons. i want to add this to a scrollpane and have the slider grow to fill all the remaining space. This is no problem as this code demonstrates : public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame f = new JFrame("Test"); JPanel c = new...

Using miglayout with netbeans.

I'm trying to use miglayout within the netbeans IDE. Ive placed the miglayout files in the right place and then imported using: import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; at the top of my file but it states that "package net.miginfocom.swing does not exist" Any ideas on how I can get miglayout working withing netbeans? Any way possible? ...

Java: MiGLayout: How to use `hidemode`?

Hi, I am starting out using MiGLayout for my GUI design, and one of the feature I would need is to show/hide certain components based on the state of other components. I was going to code this myself, when I noticed that one of the Component Constraints supported by MiGLayoutis hidemode. Does this do what I think it does? If so, how d...

MigLayout usage

A question for those familiar with MigLayout sorry couldn't think of a more appropriate name for the question... I'm trying to create a layout that will end up looking like the following: +---------+---------+ | btn1 | btn2 | +---------+---------+ | | | btn3 | | | +---------------...

Is MiGLayout going to be included in Java 7?

All I could find so far is this (open) Sun bug/RFE entry with 425 426 votes: http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6530906 It's in third place in the list of RFEs. Tons of people have stated that it will be included in Java 7...but does anyone have any clear information on whether MiGLayout will be included? Answered Well, it see...

Binding MigLayout debug mode to the application's logging level?

Debug mode in MigLayout is quite powerful option for development and debugging. It is declared by adding a keyword in layout constraints string: new MigLayout("fill, hidemode 3, debug"); Well, it would be nice to bind MigLayout's debug mode to the logging level of the application. Something like: MigLayout.setLogger(LoggerFactory.get...

MigLayout JTextArea is not shrinking when used with linewrap=true

Hi. If I use a JTextArea with MigLayout like this: MigLayout thisLayout = new MigLayout("", "[][grow]", "[]20[]"); this.setLayout(thisLayout); { jLabel1 = new JLabel(); this.add(jLabel1, "cell 0 0"); jLabel1.setText("jLabel1"); } { jTextArea1 = new JTextArea(); this.add(jTextArea1, "cell 0 1 2 1,growx"); jTextArea1.setText("j...

Can i use a single layout manager instance in swing?

I'm using MiGLayout and being the freak i am, i was thinking if it's possible to create a single instance of the layout and use it for all my panels? Just curious... ...

Using MigLayout, why is a JButton following a JTable unresponsive and how to fix this?

Hi everyone, I am having a mind-boggling problem regarding the use of a JButton following a JTable with MigLayout. It is totally unresponsive unless I push it far enough past the JTable (then it can behave correctly). I have tried running the code with both the MigLayout JAR of the version we use for end user products and with the very...

Java Swing MigLayout, centering two elements inside a spanned row

I'm working on a MigLayout form with 3 columns and 4 rows, like this: "wrap 3", "[15%] 15px [45%] 15px [40%]", "20 [] 15 [] 15 [grow,fill] 15 []" Now my goal is to have it look like this: .------------------------------------. | 15% | 45% | 40% | |------------------------------------| | | | ...

Swing - how to mix JTextField and JTextAreas and have same visual appearance?

I am using miglayout to create a form in which there are JTextFields (short input answers) as well as JTextAreas (Longer answers). The problem is twofold. The border placed around a Scrollpane wrapped text area does not match that of a Text Field. The width and placement of the textarea/textfield differ, causing them not to line u...

mig layout - span and grow/push problem

i want 3 components laid out on 2 lines, so that the bottom component and the top-right component use all available horizontal space. JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setLayout(new MigLayout("debug, fill")); Container cp = frame.getContentPane(); cp.add(new JTextField("com...