



Hi folks,

I read some information about Java layout managers and the recommendation was MigLayout. My problem is, that I didn't found any tutorial or easy step-by-step documentation.

So I want to know how this all works, but I don't know how.

Hope, it's not to trivial.

Thanks in advance, guerda

+1  A: 

What exactly is wrong with the documentation linked from their website?

I think, it would be better, if there's a step-by-step procedure to build up an application layout.
What for? Every application is different and needs its GUI built up different so a step-by-step tutorial (I’d like to call it “spoon-feeding”) would probably not result in a GUI that is useful for your application. Everything you need to know to build GUIs with MigLayout is explained on that page.
Okay, your argument hit the mark. I will try to learn it from the white paper.
+6  A: 

Bombe is right... and wrong. I find this whitepaper tends to show off all great features of MiGLayout, entering in nitty gritty details that we would rarely, if ever, use... The paper hesitates between being a tutorial and a reference.

Now, the provided demo applications (at MiG Layout main page and MiG Java Components page) are very well made: you can see the components and how they move/are resized, and you can take a look at the source code used to do this layout, which is a precious source of concrete implementation. Precious because I haven't found many open source projects actually using this layout (perhaps I just wasn't searching properly).

+2  A: 

The people at MigLayout have setup a great demo that lets you learn how to configure the miglayout through experimentation.

Go to and select Swing Demo. You can then see sample uses of the layout and more importantly, you can right-click on any component (textfield, label, etc.) and change the layout constraints. This is an excellent interactive tool to learn about the layout and how it will work with resizing, etc.

Alex B

Maybe its too late. But I found this helpful article on MigLayout:

Abhinav Upadhyay