
JScrollpane needs to shrink its width

I have a JScrollpane that has a JPanel on the inside (and the panel contains some JLabels). I want resizing the scroll pane to actually change its size (possibly below the preferred size of the inner components), not just the size of the viewport. The goal is for the inner panel to gracefully disappear (using specific shrink priorities...

Remove JButton padding in MigLayout

I have a small "popup" like this: But I don't want the padding around the button, I want it to be as small as it can be with the supplied text. btn.setMargin(new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1)); panel.add(lbl, "wrap"); panel.add(btn); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); At least this doesn't work... Can this be achieved on MigLayout or shoul...

Miglayout button overflows constraints

I am using a Miglayout to create a table-like layout for one of my panels. I need all my panels to have a fixed width of 200 pixels. When i add components in the panel everything works OK but when i try to insert a button that has a long text (and therefore needs more space than 200 px to display) the button overflows its cell and overla...

How to ... with MigLayout

I am trying to create a layout that will looking like: +---+--------+---+ | | | | | | | | +---+ +---+ | | | | | | | | +---+--------+---+ Central cell should be twice as wide as other. I am trying achieve this with such code: val panel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("debug", "grow","g...

How do I get a button to align to the right in MigLayout

I am adding a button to a panel using Miglayout, and try what I might, I cannot get it to go to the right end of the panel. It insists on going flush left. Oddly, the demo is kind of short on such on a example (it only shows it in the context of other buttons on the same panel. I have a panel like this: dialog ->complex displ...

miglayout question: column constraints

I have a miglayout for a window where one of the columns was specified as grow but I need to modify that so it basically means "grow, but limit to _ pixels". Is there a way I can do this? ...

Open source Swing GUI builder that uses MiGlayout

Is there an open source Java swing GUI builder that uses MiGlayout as it's layout manager? I've been trying to learn to make Swing GUI's by hand using MiGlayout but feel it would be easier to learn if the code is auto-generated. Note: I'm not using the GUI builder for my applications, just to see how the code is generated and then apply...

How to prevent MigLayout from exceeding a container's bounds

Hi, I'm trying to construct a simple status panel using MigLayout as follows: setLayout(new MigLayout("fillx", "[][p]")); // removing constructor args makes no difference add(createStatusLabel(), "span 2, wrap"); add(createProgressBar(), "growx, pushx"); add(createCancelButton(), ""); This works fine as long as the status message disp...

Transparency issue with overlay panel

Hello! I posted this question originally in the MigLayout forum since it is to some extend specific for that specific of Layout Manager, I'd say. Unfortunately it's a week old now without any comments at all, thus I'd like to repost the question here, in hope it's not considered X-posting. Well, I have the following problem: In general...