
Look-and-feel of an applet window changes on subsequent displays

I have an applet that displays a dialog box on click of a button. When the dialog box is first displayed, it is shown using the native look-and-feel of the OS. When the dialog box is displayed a second time (same page, browser, OS, etc.), it is shown using what I think is the Swing look-and-feel. To my knowledege, I do not explicity s...

Java, Netbeans: How come the GUI looks different?

I'm a Java/Netbeans newbie learning how to make a GUI. I was following this tutorial, and I noticed that the "finished" product (first picture in that link) doesn't look like the GUI built through the steps. Why is that? I mean, when I click on the preview button, the GUI looks native (nice) as well. It's just when it's deployed that i...

Accessing look and feel default icons?

I want to change the selected icon for a JCheckbox to a different icon, let's say for example the disabled selected icon for a JCheckbox. How can I get the disabled selected icon from the UIManager? I tried UIManager.getIcon("CheckBoxUI.disabledSelectedIcon"); Is that the wrong icon property name or is that just the wrong way to get ...

mac look n feel on other platforms?

I'm just curious whether there is a gui framework that alloys you to use a mac look n feel on other platforms. presumably frameworks that use native APIs wouldn't be helpful (eg wxwidgets). qt uses native API partially for mac look n feel, so that isn't useful. what about swing? ...

Use default KeyMap of native OS

In Java, by using non-default system look and feel we will have different keymap. For example I'm using Mac OS X and use Substance look and feel (non-default system look and feel). The effect is I'm loosing my "meta" key for select all on text component In mac os x should be "meta + a", but using Substance we have to use "ctrl + a" (and...

Is there any way to improve IDEA 9 Community Edition Look&Feel?

Earlier versions of IDEA had their own skin and looked really nice. But fresh 9CE version has really strange look&fells included: default is IDEA 4.5 (!!!) that looks like apps in 1998, also there is "windows" (everybody knows that java "windows" style doesn't look like windows) and several other styles taken from linux. Oh, yes, I forgo...

creating a nice GUI in WPF

Hi, I need to create a desktop CAD application which essentially should have a nice modern GUI. I am thinking of creating a WPF application so that I can have a rich user interface. Could some one suggest me a well designed desktop application GUI framework in WPF, please? I found some cool GUI in this video http://channel9.msdn.com/post...

Change Yahoo Blueprint application look&feel

Is it possible to modify the "bluish style" of a mobile application developed with Yahoo Blueprint ? I would like to use at least my own colors. ...

setting Swing JInternalFrame lnf manually.

UIManager.put("InternalFrame.activeTitleBackground", new ColorUIResource(new Color(207,255,247))); UIManager.put("InternalFrame.inactiveTitleBackground", new ColorUIResource(new Color(207,255,247))); JDesktopPane baTabbedPane = new JDesktopPane(); JInternalFrame iframe = new JInternalFrame("Cheapest To Deliver",true,true,true,true); ifra...

look and feel in java

Hi, I work a lot with look and feel in java and it works well but the only problem that the only component that has no change is the title bar(caption) still have the same native look and feel of os(windows platform as example) i want to know what's is the reason and how to fix this? any body help.......... thanks in advance ...

How to set JInternalFrame minimised title background?

I can set the title bar background when maximised using InternalFrame.activeTitleBackground and InternalFrame.inactiveTitleBackground but how do I set it when the internal frame is minimised? ...

How can I set my Java system look and feel for JNLP apps?

I am running Gnome on OpenSuse. As a result, my system look and feel is GTK+, which has numerous ugly problems (see some of them here). During development of my swing app, I can run the client from command line or IDE and specify VM parameter -Dswing.systemlaf=com.sun.javax.swing.plaf.metal.CrossPlatformLookAndFeel to make it loo...

Windows look and feel for JFileChooser

I'm trying to generate a JFileChooser that has the Windows look-and-feel. I couldn't find a method to change it, so I created a base class that extends JFileChooser that changes the UI with the following code: public FileChooser(){ this(null); } public FileChooser(String path){ super(path); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(...

JFileChooser with Windows7 look and feel missing buttons

I succeeded in creating a JFileChooser in the windows look and feel with the following code try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { } But when the JFileChooser comes up, it is missing buttons to the right of the drop-down menu of file names. The buttons that ar...

Java Applet In Web Page Does Not Respect Set Look And Feel

I am trying to set the look and feel (LAF) of a Java applet that is used via a web browser. I wish to set the system default LAF, but when loaded in a browser, the applet returns to the Metal LAF. When I run it as a stand-alone applet, the LAF is applied correctly. The only item I am showing the user is a JFileChooser. I have tried a...

how to change the look and feel for Qt form ?

i need to change my form look and feel and i dont know : what i need to download and install ? is there any ready to use look and feel installed into qt library ? i am using windows and qt 4.4.3 ...

Getting an explicitly set foreground color for a JButton

I have a custom ButtonUI class that paints the button. Before drawing the text, the paint method checks whether the button has been set a custom color in order to use that instead of UIDefaults#get("Button.foreground"). if ((b.getForeground() != null)) { colText = b.getForeground(); } Having a look into the java.awt.Component clas...

How to get List view like Vista/Windows7

Using: Visual Studio 2005, .net 2.0 Can we get the features of list view as seen in Vista/Window7 OS (file/folders details view): When mouse is over a row its highlighted. Problem: if i set HotTracking = true, the items are shown underlined, also mouse cursor changed. Dragging select multiple items. Problem: [Multiple Select = true, ...

What look and feel component do I set to change the text color of a TitledBorder?

I have a group of radio buttons in my Swing application that have a border built around them as follows: radioButtonPanel.setBorder( new CompoundBorder ( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( " Input Data " ), padBorder ) ); Our application supports two look and feels, a light and a dark one. When switching between the two, the borde...

how to design master page in ASP.net

hi every one i m new with ASP .net and I dont know how to create master page with ASP .nethelp me plz ...