
Swing: How could I get JInternalFrame treated equally to other components inside a container?

Hello! Background information: I am implementing a visual diagram editor, which consists of different complex elements (re-sizable, with title bar, sub-elements) and different simple elements (not re-sizable, no title bar, no sub-elements). All elements are draggable. I am using JInternalFrame (for complex elements) along with JPa...

Which components can be added in a JDesktopPane?

Hi everyone, I'm having some trouble designing an MDI Application with Swing. I have no trouble implementing the JDesktopPane & JInternalFrames, my question will be a little more specific. Here is my base container Frame in a glance: package applicationGUI; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class DesktopContainer extends JFrame{ /* F...

How to add scrollable JTextArea to jDesktopPane

I was try several opinion but neither of them it seams to work. This method returns JTextArea private static JTextArea getJArea() { if (jArea == null) { jArea = new JTextArea(); jArea.setBounds(new Rectangle(16, 153, 468, 139)); jArea.setVisible(true); jArea.setLineWrap(true); jArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); jArea.set...

setting Swing JInternalFrame lnf manually.

UIManager.put("InternalFrame.activeTitleBackground", new ColorUIResource(new Color(207,255,247))); UIManager.put("InternalFrame.inactiveTitleBackground", new ColorUIResource(new Color(207,255,247))); JDesktopPane baTabbedPane = new JDesktopPane(); JInternalFrame iframe = new JInternalFrame("Cheapest To Deliver",true,true,true,true); ifra...

How to set JInternalFrame minimised title background?

I can set the title bar background when maximised using InternalFrame.activeTitleBackground and InternalFrame.inactiveTitleBackground but how do I set it when the internal frame is minimised? ...

Shared object between multiple JInternalFrames

What's the most efficient method of implementing a shared data object between multiple JInternalFrames on a single JDesktopPane? Not sure whether to go with singleton or can I put a data object in the JDesktopPane and access from a component? I don't want to keep separate instances of this data for each frame (lots of frames) ...

Java - How to make a set of JInternalFrame independant of each other?

Hello, I'm programming a short Paint program like and I'm trying to make an MDI architecture for it. To make that happen, I used JInternalFrame inside a JDesktopPane. Although I kind of obtain multiple frames, there are not really working properly. Basically, if I have 2 JInternalFrame I can draw only on the last one. The other one seem...

Java - Problem when Resizing a JInternalFrame

Hi, In a previous SO question, I was talking about somes issues dealing with my MDI architecture. I have now another problem when resizing my JInternalFrame. Here is a short video that illustrates it. I have a class: Cadre which is basically my JInternalFrame. public class Cadre extends JInternalFrame { /** Largeur par d'une fenĂȘtre ...

Background settings for a JDesktopPane

I'm using a self-made DesktopPaneUI for a JDesktopPane, I've written the proper methods for the class, and I'm running into trouble. When I resize the JDesktopPane, the background image doesn't resize with the frame. The image appears to be clipped at the size it was when the window initially opened. I'm giving it an image larger than th...

@Override error when java project transfered from ubuntu to xp

My current task is taking a Java project written and developed in Ubuntu NetBeans (extensively using the palette, which, it seems to me, locks me into continuing to use NB) and transferring it to XP, as it involves software that interfaces with a webcam and the client strictly uses XP. In Ubuntu, the project compiles correctly and compl...

Java GUIs for Netbooks

I recently ran a Java application implementing JDesktopPane on a Netbook running Ubuntu Netbook Remix and noticed several things that didn't look quite like they should have. Are there any good tutorials/guides on optimising/writing Java applications for Ubuntu Netbook Remix to take full advantage of the OS? ...

CubicCurve2D connecting two JInternalFrame instances

I have been trying to find a way (in Swing) to connect two JInternalFrames with a CubicCurve2D (otherwise known as a cubic bezier curve). The overall effect I'm trying to achive is an interface similar to Yahoo! Pipes (the curve should go from the bottom of one internal frame to the top of the other). Has anybody here done this before? ...

Is it possible make all JFrames the internal program uses into JInternalFrames and place them in a JDesktopPane?

The goal is to have the user select a java program, then my program opens up a JInternalFrame with a JEditorPane inside it as the console and places said JInternalFrame in a JDeskopPane. Is it possible to change all the Windows the user's program may open into JInternalFrames and place them in said JDesktopPane, as well? (individual qu...