
Formatting XSD scheme for peer review

I designed a data model which is represented by an XSD scheme. The data model also provides the types that are being used as web service parameters in a WSDL descriptor. I would like to send the XSD scheme around and ask the people involved to peer review the data model. What tool or presentation method would you suggest to be used as ...

Data Model for Boolean Expressions

Do you know a way to organize boolean expressions in a database while allowing infinite nesting of the expressions? Example: a = 1 AND (b = 1 OR b = 2) The expression as a whole shouldn't be stored as varchar to preserve data integrity. ...

Object Oriented Database Vs object Relational Database

Hi, I wonder how Object Oriented data modeling is different from Object Relational data modeling? Is it something like the pluses of both object oriented and relational data modeling were clubbed to achieve object relational data modeling? cheers ...

Data modeling with levels of detail, some of which are absent

I'm doing a data model for a roller derby league to track their matches. I track things like lap times, penalties per lap, penalties per period, and penalties per match. The problem is that in some cases, I will only have the overall data; I might have "penalties per match" for one match and "penalties per period" for another. So at the...

PowerDesigner - Assign a TriggerTemplate to a trigger through VBScript?

In PowerDesigner v12, how would one, through use of VBScript, assign a TriggerTemplate to triggers that are missing the definition? We have a script now that can loop through the triggers and display the triggertemplate (if it has one), but all attempts to assign a template to these triggers have failed. Any insight would be greatly ap...

Advantages of keeping to a protocol for a data model

Hi all, The question title is probably not correct because part of my question is to try and get some more understanding on the problem. I am looking for the advantages of making sure data that is imported to a database (simple example: Excel table to Access database) should be given using the same schema and should also be valid to th...

Pros and Cons of massive table that controls all data flow with stored procs

DBA (with only 2 years of google for training) has created a massive data management table (108 columns and growing) containing all neccessary attribute for any data flow in the system. Well call this table BFT for short. Of these columns: 10 are for meta-data references. 15 are for data source and temporal tracking 1 instance of new/cu...

Design of a Data Model for a Stock Forecast Database (with Stored Procedure)

hi guys i am new SQL Server Databases. i am just trying to create a datamodel Stock Forecast database A forecast involves models, signals, coefficients, and signal data. First, models must be defined. Each model should have an id, name, and description. Then, signals are defined. Each signal should have an id, name, and description...

Parallel algorithm design.

I'm trying to figure out what is the best practice while designing parallel algorithm for model of data distribution. What could be pros and cons against block distribution vs cyclic distribution of data in memory. Any help would be appreciated. ...

Update Data Model Business Entity

hello, I have web application where Iam using linq to business entites i have business data model. the problem is : I have table with one column that it dosen't allow null value, when I try to update this table the folloeing error arise: error The property 'e.g Carrier' is part of the object's key information and cannot be modified w...

Foreign Key in Entity Data Model

hello, I use Entity Data Model but I have aproblem: If a table e.g Customers have categoryId(foreign key from table category) it is not appear in cutomers entity???? so how can i retrive this value or set it? ...

Examples of Metadata Editing

I'm working on a new application that is basically a "library" type app similar to iPhoto or iTunes, i.e. the user enters data into the app and it handles storage rather than the user storing files himself. [Skip to last para for the meat of the question.] What is different about my approach is that I want the user to define the fields ...

how to correctly validate linked fields in Silverlight 3

My problem is with fields whose validation logic is linked - when Field A changes, how do I get Field B (which depends on it) to re-validate? Here's a concrete example. Two DatePickers, one each for Start and End date, bound to the same data model object, as shown below. public class Model { private DateTime _startDate = DateTi...

Print Data to screen based off of a query in ASP.NET MVC?

I have an application I'm working on where I want to loop through some data where a flag in the data is set to 1 or 2 and print it to screen. The idea I'm working on using is from one of the MVC tutorials: <ul> <% For Each m As Movie In ViewData.Model%> <li><%= m.Title %></li> <% Next%> </ul> But I want to do similar to the abo...

Relationship Modelling in Core Data

Hi there, I'm fairly new to Objective C and Core Data and have a problem designing a case where players team up one-on-one and have multiple matches that end up with a specific result. With MySQL, I would have a Player table (player primary key, name) and a match table (player A foreign key, player B foreign key, result). Now how do I...

Biological Taxonomy Data Model

Looking for industry/standard data model for biological classification. Wikipedia ...

User event subscription in the Web app

We are developing the Web App that will have user subscription to a specific group of events. For example: User create a comment in the blob and all users subscribed to this blog should have this event in their list. Currenly, we are searching for the data model to store this data. Store all events in one table seems a good idea from t...

Design pattern for translatable Hibernate models

I have a Hibernate model that (simplified) looks like this: public class CoverageLine { private Long id; private String coverageText; private boolean coveragePresetTo = true; private OnNewPolicy onNewPolicy = OnNewPolicy.SHOW; } I need coverageText to be translatable (by the end-user) into arbitrarily many languages, but using...

Datamodeling tools

In early phases of software development projects the conceptual data model is designed. In my experience tools like ERwin and Visio helped with the process. Are there other tools better suited for the job? Is out there any comparison analysis on this sort of tools? ...

Linq to Entities: Mixed graph of Entities, EntityKeys, Attached, and New Objects

In my data model I have a fairly common division between my objects/tables/data: "Transactional" entities that represent the work that is being done by the system. These entities are created by the system and are only important in specific contexts. They are regularly created on the fly. (Aside: Is there a proper name for this type of ...