
Has anyone got an example of aerith style swing mixed with GUI maintainability of SWT editing?

My boss loves VB (we work in a Java shop) because he thinks it's easy to learn and maintain. We want to replace some of the VB with java equivalents using the Eclipse SWT editor - because we think it is almost as easy to maintain. To sell this - we'd like to use an aerith style L&F. Can anyone provide an example of an SWT application s...

Java L&F customization: How do I use synth to customize BorderFactory borders?

Specifically, I currently have a JPanel with a TitledBorder. I want to customize the look of the border. In my app's current state, the title is drawn, but not the line border itself. If I bind an imagePainter to the panelBorder method for Panel objects, I can put a custom image around panels -- however it only shows up on those panels ...

Git: commit file with LR with msys/cygwin Git.

I have a bash script under Git version control on Windows (cygwin git). I would like checkout file from repo with LF (it is bash script) on windows (and I have core.autocrlf=true). As a result, I've got CRLF file and "$'\r': command not found" error message for script. How I could workaround this issue? BR ...