
Elements disappearing on IE7 window resize

I am coding this web page. http://www.nomizine.com/misc/tbs/default.html It renders well everywhere except for IE7. When I resize the browser window, top navigation, the compass on the left and subscribe block on the right disappears. Any idea how to fix it? BTW, I have already tried HasLayout tricks like zoom:1, clear:both etc but not...

Customized UITableViewCell dissappears

Hello. I've seen a number of people having a similar issue, but either their solution did not help, or it was too different. My problem is, I have a customized UITableViewCell, custom size, image and content. When I scroll up or down and then back again, the text within some of the cells disappears. This seems to be happening randomly...

PNG background images in Firefox 3.x disappear and do not load

The problem is this: I have a div (#bottom), which is NOT floated, which has a pre-defined height in CSS (of 24px;), which USED TO display its background (bottom.png) until I put something inside. CSS: #bottom {height: 24px; background-image: url("bottom.png");} HTML: <div id="bottom"> <div id="somethingInside"> </div> </div> N...

How to save into the object.names while typing in the textFields, which are added to cells of table view?

I am saving the text field value when Next button clicked on the key board, Instead selecting next cell or scrolling the table view the content of the text fields are disappeared because I am not saving the data in the object.It will save only when we select Next button in the Keyboard. I want to save the data while typing in the test f...

SharePoint QuickLaunch and TopNavigationBar dissapearing

I am completely puzzled with this: I have a custom SharePoint site with QuickLaunch on the left and Top Navigation Bar (which are of course visible by default). This custom site has several sub-sites, which all inherit navigation from the root site. Everything works fine, but after application pool recycle both menus on the left and o...

Javascript if box checked.

Hello, i have this form for adding videos. Now, there's a input field for "title" and i want that to disappear if you have pressed on the checkbox "tryout". How should i do that in JS.. i use jquery. ...

Subsonic scaffold many-to-many controls are disappearing.

I'm using the SubSonic scaffold control with auto-generating many to many controls. <subsonic:Scaffold ID="scfMain" runat="server" AutoGenerateManyToMany="true"></subsonic:Scaffold> On Page_Load I'm setting the table name scfMain.TableName = "Foo"; The many to many controls are generated by a many to many table, two foreign key...

Prototype focusFirstElement() causes form to 'disappear' in IE

Strange bug I'm getting. I have a login form that is hidden by default, once a user clicks on an observed element, the element containing the form slides down (using Effect.BlidnDown in Scriptaculous) Here is the function, which is part of the 'Interface' object: revealLoginForm: function() { $('a_login').blur(); if (!$('hform'...

LinkButton inside UpdatePanel disappears after partial page postback

I have a linkbutton inside a updatepanel and when the update panel does a partial page rendering, the linkbutton disappears. <asp:UpdatePanel ID="up" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Conditional"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:DropDownList ID="drp" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" CausesValidation="true"> <asp...

Selected UIButton disappears inside selected UITableViewCell

I have a table, I have cellForRowAtIndexPath delegate for it and I have instance of UITableViewCell being created inside that method, which I return. Somewhere in cellForRowAtIndexPath I also add UIButton to cell.contentView of that cell. It all works fine, until I select that cell with button in it. The cell changes color to blue (which...

IE8 disappearing image bug

In IE8 (& maybe others), when I leave my page to go to another tab in IE and then come back to my page's tab, each time the cursor runs over an image it disappears until I refresh the page. I've heard of disappearing image bugs, but I couldn't find anything on this particular case, especially given this isn't a weird pre-IE8 bug. I am us...

AutocompleteTextView: on "NEXT" highlight next TextView, on "DONE", make keyboard disappear

hi all, I have two AutocompleTextViews and I want to switch to the next if the user presses "NEXT", and make the virtual keyboard disappear when he hits "DONE" at the second AutocompleTextView. So far, the buttons "NEXT"/"DONE" do nothing at all.... Unfortunately I found no resources addressing this problem. Any suggestions? thx ...

Internet Explorer 8 - Div disappears on resize.

I have a page which works fine in Firefox and Chrome. I.E. 8 however decides to not show a div when the browser is resized. Most of the page looks fine, but the div I am using for the content does not and just disappears when I resize I.E. <div id="wrapper"> <div id="innerWrapper" style="width:215px;"> <div id="mainColumn" st...

"Tab" disappear when adding new ListViewItem to ListView

Hi i am trying to add string to Listview the string contain Tab (or \t) character. when i do this the Tab disappear. code: string text = "test Tab";// The space between the words is "Tab" of course this.listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(text)); why is this happens? ...

The body gets displaced (and part of the content disappears) on ie7

I have been searching for a way to fix this problem for a while now. It seems something could be wrong on the javascript, or maybe it has something to do with the positioning. This page http://www.medspilates.cl/ works fine on FF, on Chrome, on Safari and on IE8, but on ie7 it doesnt, the body gets displaced to the right and the main c...

Beamer - make itemize (and space occupied) disappear

So I have two itemize's on one slide and a graphic underneath them both: \onslide<1>{ \begin{itemize} ... \end{itemize} } \onslide<2>{ \begin{itemize} ... \end{itemize} } \includegraphics[width=5cm]{abc.eps} So what I want is for the first itemize to be visible on the first slide, and the second itemize t...

Remove MPMoviePlayerController

I am using the MPMoviePlayerController to play a movie from the web. Depending on the table row selected a different movie is loaded. However, i would like the MPMoviePlayerController to disappear (or hide itself), once a new row is selected. Here is the code that gets called to play my movie and to, eventually, hide it - (IBAction) pl...

Rails, my stylesheet disappears magically?

Ok I just started a rails project...when i initially load the page it's styled as it's supposed to be. Without changing any code when I refresh the stylesheet disappears. I figured maybe it was a html/css error, but then if i close my browser and reopen it the page shows up fine again. So it's not that. I'm in dev mode so I don't thi...

Jquery cycle in IE8 causes image to disappear and reload again

Actually the original implementation it worked fine, but i changed something which caused it to behave like this. When it cycles thru various divs it causes divs to reload again and showing in between empty black background. It works fine on Moxilla. Can some one help. Site: http://travelling-monk.com ...

Button Text dissapears using overflow:visible within IE7

In Internet Explorer, there is unnecessary padding that occurs to the left and right within the button when the button name is large. As a result of this, the known solution is to add "width: auto" and "overflow:visible" to the button style, but doing so will inadvertently make the text in the button disappear when the user scrolls the p...