
Rails: Scaffold to automatically do one-to-many relationship

Not sure if I'm reading this right, but it seems like Scaffold will not do a one-to-many relationship in its entirety. For instance, if I create messages with scaffold and then I want comments on those messages (one message -> many comments), I have to go through and change everything. For instance, I have to change this in the comment's...

CakePHP Scaffolding Issue

I have a joins table which brings a users table and a Communications table together. I have the appropriate relationships built in Cake. When I use 'var $scaffold;' in the controllers everything links up perfect. I can view, add, and edit records in both directions. However, when I remove the 'var $scaffold feature through the Bake conso...

How can I rename the column table name inside of the SubSonic Scaffolding control?

Hi, I would like that someone explain me how is the easy and simple way to change the HeaderText of the GridView control using the SubSonic Scaffolding ? Also, I would like to rename the text of every label control in the Add and Edit Form that is generated with the SubSonic Scaffold. I got my Scaffolding Form in English idiom but I wan...

Error while using subsonic scaffold = "Multiple controls with the same ID .. were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs. "

I get this error when i try and edit a row on the tables that have keys connecting to the "AvailableHostname" table. All other tables edit fine. How can i fix this? Thank you so much for your help in advance. The error: Multiple controls with the same ID 'AvailableHostname' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs....

Boolean Fields broken in Ext or Ext_scaffold?

I'm experimenting with using ext_scaffold to generate UI elements for a Rails-backed web application. However, I'm experiencing issues with the behavior of boolean fields. For instance, when I do ./script/generate ext_scaffold product name:string description:text sku:integer available:boolean It builds the migration properly and gene...

Adding an autoincrementing SNO column in Rails Scaffolding?

Is there a way in which I can create a serial number (SNO) column through scaffolding in Rails which increases on adding a record, decreases on deleting a record and cannot be modified manually? ...

Problem in Rails scaffold for DATE fields

When I use Rails scaffold, I can't access the page to edit fields. It shows me some kind of problem with all DATE fields. Here's the error: can't convert Symbol into String Extracted source (around line #124): 121: </p> 122: <p> 123: <%= f.label :dataDeCadastro %><br /> 124: <%= f.date_select :dataDeCadastr...

Subsonic 3 - No Fetch, FetchAll, or Scaffolding Control?

I'm fairly new to SubSonic, and downloaded the latest version which only contained a zip file with the folders Binaries, Examples and T4 Templates. Upon further reading I was looking forward to trying the Scaffolding control, however the DLL contains no tools to add to the VS2008 toolbox. I'm also unable to use .Fetch, .FetchByID, etc....

Finding which contigs go into any given scaffold in an 454-Newbler assembly

I guess there should be a quite simple script for calling which contigs go into which scaffolds. This is 454 data assembled with Newbler. Thanks! ...

Rails Routing Error

Weird error. I'm a newby to rails. From a new install of rails I connected to an oracle db and then ran: jruby script/generate scaffold job oid:integer userid:integer name:string status:integer Without doing anything else I started up the server and entered a new job and then I get this error: Routing Error job_url failed to genera...

RoR - Scaffolding - unedfined method 'to_sym' for nil:NilClass only an error in the edit method

undefined method `to_sym' for nil:NilClass I have this error only in my edit page of my nifty_scaffold. This is _form.html.erb <% form_for @progress do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <p> <%= f.label :date %><br /> <%= f.date_select :date %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :description %><br /> <%= f.text_area :descriptio...

Subsonic scaffold many-to-many controls are disappearing.

I'm using the SubSonic scaffold control with auto-generating many to many controls. <subsonic:Scaffold ID="scfMain" runat="server" AutoGenerateManyToMany="true"></subsonic:Scaffold> On Page_Load I'm setting the table name scfMain.TableName = "Foo"; The many to many controls are generated by a many to many table, two foreign key...

What's with bad function call in view generated via scaffold?

I've scaffolded Things element: script/generate scaffold wip/thing name:string and got some invalid function call in views, like: <td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_thing_path(thing) %></td> Which raise this error: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `edit_thing_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0xb5c00944>) on line #11 of app/views/...

How do I create many-one relationships using Scaffold?

I'm new to Ruby on Rails, and I'm trying to create a bass guitar tutor in order to teach myself RoR (and bass guitar). The walkthroughs use Scaffold to create ActiveRecord classes, but they seem to correspond to standalone tables; there's no use of belongs_to or has_many. I'd like to create three classes: Scale, GuitarString, and Fret....

Rails : Scaffold works for the first, but not for the second table

I am using aptana radrails empty rail project : scaffold Article titre:string body:text categorie_id:integer ordre:integer Migrate -> it works fine scaffold Categorie titre:string ordre:integer It generate the files but when i access i have the following error : NameError in Categories#index Showing ...

Scaffold is ignoring class file in CakePHP

Hi, when using scaffolding on a controller the views render fine and the app even attempts to insert the data; the problem is that the scaffold is completely ignoring the relations I'm defining in my model class, in fact it's ignoring the class entirely as I can delete the file and the controller still scaffolds and render the crud from ...

grails scaffolding broken

Grails scaffoldin does not work in my grails application. When I go from the main page to the specific controller page it output something like this: Error 500: Servlet: default URI: /myapp/myDomain/list Exception Message: Tag [sortableColumn] is missing required attribute [title] or [titleKey] at /webTestDummyDomain/list:25 Caused by: ...

Can generate scaffold put the controller in a namespace?

I want to generate the scaffold in a Rails app, generating the model as usual but having the controller inside the admin namespace. Is it possible? ...

Can you use dynamic finders or grouping tables via scaffold in Grails?

I'm working on a very, very quick and dirty application using almost entirely scaffold to do it. This is only for internal use, and it's just to replace a spreadsheet, so while I know that I shouldn't rely on scaffolds for real production use, I still intend to use them where I can for efficiency (...just wanted to make sure we aren't ta...

Struts Module SwitchAction ,switching not happening properly

Hi guys, I was hoping if anyone cud help me with struts SwitchAction. I am using struts 1.1 and scaffold. I have two modules, customer and utilities. I am switching an action from * struts-config-utilities.xml* to struts-config-customer.xml , the jsp in customer module is loaded and the beans are executed. But when I try to invoke ano...