
Finding which contigs go into any given scaffold in an 454-Newbler assembly

I guess there should be a quite simple script for calling which contigs go into which scaffolds. This is 454 data assembled with Newbler. Thanks! ...

ASP.NET MVC or WebForms?

I'm very new to web development, have many years background on the desktop, but nothing on web, only html. I want to make a simple dynamic webpage for a product I've been working on by myself, but I don't know which of the two, MVC or WebForms, would be easier for me. The lessons at didn't help me much, I took the "first step" t...

Ruby on Rails and MAMP Pro

hey all, new to ruby, and rails... but not to the amp stack. my preferred method for local development has always been to use MAMP Pro for it's ease of use and speed. but, i seem to have some more configuration to do if i want it to work with ROR. i've got my server name setup ( to use port 3000 and the disk location is set ...