
Grails scaffolding inheritance

I have some Domain classes inheriting from a base class. However when I generate the scaffolding, the view does not contain any elements of the base class. The behaviour is the same regardless of table per hierarchy (default), or table per subclass. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? ...

" undefined method `enumerable_enumerator_path' " error.

I'm using basic scaffold structure. What I need, is to add 'moderate' action and view by changing published to true. In my idea, on moderate.html I should get the list of all unpublished entries with the ability to change and save their parameters. Here are parts of my code: #names_controller.rb def moderate @name = Name.find(:all, :...

'Unknown key(s)' ArgumentError

I'm working on a moderating feature for my application, which is based on a basic scaffold structure. What I need, is to edit several records with the boolean parameter publised on false. In moderate.html I'm getting the list of all unpublished entries with the ability to change their parameters which, what and published. The error appea...

dose rails scaffold command support generate belongs_to or many to many model middle table migration info?

Product,Category is two model on rails3 the relation between them are follow: product has_and_belongs_to_many categories category has_and_belongs_to_many products i can use scaffold generate migration for this two modle use rails g scaffold product name:string rails g scaffold category name:string but how can i generate the many to...