
Is there something like <xsl:url-param name="color" />?

If I send this request to a page:;number=two Can I do something like this?: I like the color <xsl:url-param name="color" /> and the number <xsl:url-param name="number" />. If you need clarification of the question, lemme know Thanks for any answers, Chrelad ...

request.params item disapearing after postback

I have an application that has a request item which is disapearing after several postbacks. The postbacks are just for validation and ajax calls. The session is not resetting as I still have ~60 items in the params collection ...

Configure apache to treat static resources with "?" character in filename

Hello All, For various reasons, I have a bunch of static resources all with the following naming format: xxxxx?yyyyy where the x's are regular letter chars, and the y's numbers 0-9. Apache is truncating the filename in the GET request at the "?" - as this is traditionally used to delinate query params - and thus reporting the follow...

There is a way to pass-by-reference using variable parameters in C#?

Hello! I would like to have a function that modifies some variable list of parameters but they are all value types (int, string). There is a way to make the params keyword work with ref keyword or something close to that? public void funcParams(params object[] list) { /* Make something here to change 'a', 'b' and 'c' */ } public voi...

Custom Rails URL argument separators?

We're building a Facebook application at work using Ruby on Rails. We're currently switching it from a canvas to an iframe application for technical reasons. There is however a problem, Facebook sends you the fb_sig_api_key and others as GET varialbes in the URL ( However, for some reason,...

Load AS2 SWF Into AS3 SWF and pass vars in URL

I've got an AS3 SWF that I'm going to be loading other SWFs into. These child SWFs all take a single parameter on the URL. I can't seem to get it working when loading an AS2 child, and it needs to be able to handle both. so I have var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(); var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); request.url = "http:...

Java "params" in method signature?

In c# if you want a method to have an indeterminate number of parameters you can make the final parameter in the method signature a "params" which to the method looks like an array but allows anyone using the method to put in as many parameters of that type as the want. I'm fairly sure java supports similar behaviour, but I cant find ou...

BIRT 2.2 dynamic schema name


Determining if a parameter uses "params" using reflection in C#?

Consider this method signature: public static void WriteLine(string input, params object[] myObjects) { // Do stuff. } How can I determine that the WriteLine method's "myObjects" pararameter uses the params keyword and can take variable arguments? ...

ASP.Net MVC - strange params caching behaviour in Actions

I'm facing a strange problem in my project. My actions are getting old param values instead of the actual values which are in Request.Params. I created a HomeController.Echo(string text) action to illustrate it (see screenshot). When I call the action for the first time like "Home/Echo?text=aaa" everythink works fine. When I call the sam...

C# and variable number of parameters

I tried the following code: class Program: ProgParent { public int Max(params int[] op) { return 0; } public int Max(int i, params int[] op) { return 1; } public int Max(int i, int j, params int[] op) { return 2; } ...

C# mapping php params

I have a string that contains ?action=a&current=b&something=c i want to create a variable that i can do val = mymap['current']; Is there something in C# to parse this? or do i need to use a string.split and write my own func? -edit- solved thanks to REA_ANDREW and Guy Starbuck (from the other thread). using System.Web; using System.Col...

How to avoid the "unused param" warning when overriding a method in java 1.4 ?

In this code : public class MyClass { private Object innerValue; public Object getInnerValue() { return this.innerValue; } public void setInnerValue(Object innerValue) { this.innerValue = innerValue; } } public class MyClassReadOnly extends MyClass { MyClassReadOnly(MyClass cls) { // Mak...

How to turn a Ruby Hash into HTTP Params

That is pretty easy with a plain hash like {:a => "a", :b => "b"} which would translate into "a=a&b=b" but what do you do with something more complex like {:a => "a", :b => ["c", "d", "e"]} which should translate in "a=a&b[0]=c&b[1]=d&b[2]=e" or even worse, with something like: {:a => "a", :b => [{:c => "c", :d => "d"},...

How to rename the default identifier param "id" in Rails' map.resources()?

I like all the default routes that are generated by Rail's map.resources. But, there are cases where I would like to use a non-numeric identifier in my routes. For example, If have a nested route consist of users and their articles, a standard route could be written as such: map.resources :users, :has_many => [:articles] # => e.g. '/us...

passing boolean parameters to named routes in rails

I want to explicitly pass a boolean false to params[:closed] and I've got something like this: = link_to 'appointments', appointments_path(:closed => false) But this is not working as rails is treating a false boolean as I don't want anything set for this params, is there any way to get around this? update: the false I'm passing in i...

request variables in grails

EDIT: based on feedback, erased original Q. completely and reposting in better language I wish to access a request or params variable and pass it between the controller and the gsp. i understand that the params object contains everything that a querystring has. All the examples I see are all Model driven. I have looked up docs online a...

Anything like the c# params in c++?

That is the question. ...

If we cache params into a local var in an action, will it help or its the same?

So we run a code quality tool called reek once in a while as part of our project. The tool basically looks for code smells and reports them. Here, we observed that we get "Duplication" smell every time we try to access a key in params more than once (As if we are making a method-call twice with same parameters or we are duplicating an if...

Key value pairs in C# Params

I'm looking for a way to have a function such as: myFunction({"Key", value}, {"Key2", value}); I'm sure there's something with anonymous types that would be pretty easy, but I'm not seeing it. The only solution I can think of is to have a "params KeyValuePair[] pairs" parameter, but that ends up being something similar to: myFunctio...