
Gallery layout problems...

Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a gallery in my Android project, but can't seem to make it work as it should. Here is what I am trying to do: Basically, I want a gallery that displays only one picture, but still has the same controls (sliding left and right). I'm getting the pictures asynchronously from the internet. Where am I at ...

Grails/Groovy: URL params (max, offset) NumberFormatException thrown when blank/strings

in the controller params.max = Math.min(params?.max?.toInteger() ?: 10, 20) params.offset = params?.offset?.toInteger() ?: 0 if you enter in the following urls /books?offset=10&max= //error /books?offset=10&max=sdf //error /books?offset=&max=10 //works /books?offset=adsfa&max=10 //error java....

Why does grails URL params decoding behave differently on server vs. local

Let's say I have the following entry in my grails URLMappings.groovy: "/actionName/param1"(controller:'myController', action:'myAction') When I call an URL where param1 includes + as a special character, the URL is encoded correctly to /actionName/my%2Bparam for example, both in my local and in my server environment. In my local envi...

Grails: GET a large dataset and POST a significant amount of params (best method)

I need to GET a large collection in a form, and POST a large selection of user ids from the collection to a controller. Q Whats the best way to load a large collection and submit a large amount of params. Break down:(Getting) there might quite a number to choose from so I wouldn't want to load the complete collection incase memory prob...