
Is J2ME's Integer.parseInt() broken?

While writing a game for J2ME we ran into an issue using java.lang.Integer.parseInt() We have several constant values defined as hex values, for example: CHARACTER_RED = 0xFFAAA005; During the game the value is serialized and is received through a network connection, coming in as a string representation of the hex value. In order to ...

Is there an equivalent to JavaScript parseInt in C#?

I was wondering if anyone had put together something or had seen something equivalent to the JavaScript parseInt for C#. Specifically, i'm looking to take a string like: 123abc4567890 and return only the first valid integer 123 I have a static method I've used that will return only the numbers: public static int ParseInteger( obj...

IE error with parseInt dropdown value (jquery val())

I have an dropdown with the following in it: <select id="shipping" name="shipping_option"> <option SELECTED value="60">R60</option> <option value="90">R90</option> <option value="100">R100</option> </select> Then, when the content of the dropdown is changed, javascript runs updateTotal(), which is the following: function u...

ParseInt not working on Jquery ajax response

Hey, I am having a peculiar problem with getting an integer from an ajax response. Whenever I call the following code, parseInt(data) returns NaN despite data being a string. function poll() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: "html", url: 'images/normal/' + userId + '/' + saveCode + 'progress.txt', error: fun...

File (as a string of bytes) in AS3 code

I need to 'embed' a file as a string of bytes directly in AS3 code rather than calling it as an external resource. So this works fine: var testString = "537563636573733a20537472696e672072652d656e636f6465642e"; var testArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); var len:uint = testString.length; trace("testString LENGTH: " + len.toString()); f...

In jQuery, should i use parseFloat(el.width()) or parseInt(el.width(),10)? which one is more preferred

I always had this question: When i dont mind the exact floating number Which one is preferred? parseFloat someValue = parseFloat(el.outerWidth())+parseFloat(ele2.css("marginRight")), parseInt someValue = parseInt(el.outerWidth(), 10)+parseInt(ele2.css("marginRight"), 10), Which method is easier for the JS engine? ...

need help with parseInt

hello, how can i get for example the integer codeInt=082 from String code='A082' i have tried this: int codeInt = Integer.parseInt(code.substring(1,4)); and i get codeInt=82 ,it leaves the first 0 but i want the full code '082'. i thought of parseInt(String s, int radix) but i don't know how . any help will be appreciated . thanks....

int from string in go

What's the function to create a int value from string i := ???.????( "10" ) ...

Beginner Java Question about Integer.parseInt() and casting

so when casting like in the statement below :- int randomNumber=(int) (Math.random()*5) it causes the random no. generated to get converted into an int.. Also there's this method I just came across Integer.parseInt() which does the same ! i.e return an integer Why two different ways to make a value an int ? Also I made a search an...

Number test in loop

I was looking to create a boolean test for a number when it is 10, 20, 30, 40. This would be used in a loop, 1 to 100. ParseInt seems a bit part but was wondering what a method for a true or false answer maybe. ...

Javascript parseInt gives very unexpected results

I'm parsing a string to check if it's a date, and by chance we now discovered that my method doesn't work for dates in august or september. This is what I do (the input isn't really hard-coded, obviously, but for brevity...): var str = '2010-08-26 14:53'; var data = str.split(' '); // ['2010-08-26', '14:53'] var date = data[0].split('-...

Javascript parseInt with radix 16 issue

The alert statement alert(parseInt("0x00C02700010004E9",16)); incorrectly displays 54086076498707690 instead of the correct value 54086076498707689. Please notice the last two digits!! Could anyone shed some light on what am I doing wrong? ...

Comparing parseInt to NaN in Actionscript 3

The AS3 documentation states that if you pass in a string to parseInt that is not a number it will return NaN. However, when I try to compare to NaN the compiler gives me the following error: Warning: 1098: Illogical comparison with NaN. This statement always evaluates to false. The statement is actually true. Comparing to NaN will al...

Grails/Groovy: URL params (max, offset) NumberFormatException thrown when blank/strings

in the controller params.max = Math.min(params?.max?.toInteger() ?: 10, 20) params.offset = params?.offset?.toInteger() ?: 0 if you enter in the following urls /books?offset=10&max= //error /books?offset=10&max=sdf //error /books?offset=&max=10 //works /books?offset=adsfa&max=10 //error java....