
ParseFloat function in JavaScript

When i am adding two text boxes values that are 1.oo1 and 0.001 and then i do a parsefloat i get 1.0019999999. I want it 1.002 . Can u help me? ...

please tell me where i am doing mistake in following javascript code of conversion to float

i wrote following code to do some of a specifice column of gridview.. but its not working please tell me were i am missing... function ManipulateGrid() { var gvDrv = document.getElementById("<%= GridView1.ClientID %>"); var gt=0.0; for (i=1; i<gvDrv.rows.length; i++) { var cell = gvDrv.rows[...

In jQuery, should i use parseFloat(el.width()) or parseInt(el.width(),10)? which one is more preferred

I always had this question: When i dont mind the exact floating number Which one is preferred? parseFloat someValue = parseFloat(el.outerWidth())+parseFloat(ele2.css("marginRight")), parseInt someValue = parseInt(el.outerWidth(), 10)+parseInt(ele2.css("marginRight"), 10), Which method is easier for the JS engine? ...

parsing numbers in a javascript array

Hi I have a string of numbers separated by commas, "100,200,300,400,500" that I'm splitting into an array using the javascript split function: var data = []; data = dataString.split(","); I'm trying to parse the values of the array using parseFloat and then store them back into the array. I'd then like to add up the numbers in the ar...

jquery parseFloat assigning val to field

I have a select box that gives a description of a product along with a price. Depending on what the user selects, I'd like to automatically grab that dollar amount from the option selected and assign it to a price input field. My HTML: <tr> <td> <select class="selector"> <option value="Item One $500">Item One $5...

javascript parseFloat '500,000' returns 500 when I need 500000

How would it be a nice way of handling this? I already thought on removing the comma and then parsing to float. Do you know a better/cleaner way? Thanks ...

Is it possible to parseFloat the whole string?

As you know, the javascript's parseFloat function works only until it meets an invalid character, so for example parseFloat("10.123") = 10.123 parseFloat("12=zzzz") = 12 parseFloat("z12") = NaN Is there a way or an implementation of parseFloat that would return NaN if the whole string is not a valid float number? ...

Chrome problem parsing Float from jquery css atribute

Hi again , today i have a simple an understable problem for me . Next code: alphavar = $('#frontcolour').css('opacity'); console.debug(alphavar+' '+parseFloat(alphavar)); It runs ok width Firefox and width Opera ( now all perfect :) ) , but chrome i dont know why it doesnt parse it ok : here the answer of the debug send for me (the se...