
Create query parameters in javascript

Is there any way to create the query parameters for doing a GET request in javascript. Just like in python you have urllib.urlencode() which takes in a dict (or list of two tuples) and creates a string like 'var1=value1&var2=value2' ...

How can I URL encode a string in Excel VBA?

Is there a built-in way to URL encode a string in Excel VBA or do I need to hand roll this functionality? ...

Wordpress, PHP, URL Encoding Issue

Wordpress provides a function called "the_permalink()" that returns, you guessed it!, the permalink to a given post while in a loop of posts. I am trying to URL encode that permalink and when I execute this code: <?php print(the_permalink()); $permalink = the_permalink(); print($permalink); print(urlencode(the_permalink())); print(urle...

URLEncode from a bash script

I am trying to write a bash script for testing that takes a parameter and sends it through curl to web site. I need to url encode the value to make sure that special characters are processed properly. What is the best way to do this? Here is my basic script so far: #!/bin/bash host=${1:?'bad host'} value=$2 shift shift curl -v -d "...

url encoded forward slashes breaking my codeigniter app

i’m trying to create a url string that works like this: /app/process/example.com/index.html so in other words, /app/process/$URL i then retrieve the url with $this->uri->segment(3); the forward slashes in the URL will of course be a problem accessing uri segments, so i’ll go ahead and url encode the URL portion: /app/process/e...

urlencode with only built-in functions

Without using plpgsql, I'm trying to urlencode a given text within a pgsql SELECT statement. The problem with this approach: select regexp_replace('héllo there','([^A-Za-z0-9])','%' || encode(E'\\1','hex'),'g') ...is that the encode function is not passed the regexp parameter, unless there's another way to call functions from within ...

What is meant by htmlencode and urlencode ?

What is meant by HTMLEncode in ASP.net. How we use this HTMLEncode to controls. What is meant by urlEncode and in what way it differenitates from HTMLEncode? ...

python "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'"

I wrote this tiny Python snippet that scrapes a feed and prints it out. When I run the code, something in the feed triggers the error message you see here as my question. Here's the complete console output on error: > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "/home/vijay/ffour/ffour5.py", > line 20, in <module> > myfeed() File ...

How do I encode URI parameter values?

I want to send a URI as the value of a query/matrix parameter. Before I can append it to an existing URI, I need to encode it according to RFC 2396. For example, given the input: http://google.com/resource?key=value1 & value2 I expect the output: http%3a%2f%2fgoogle.com%2fresource%3fkey%3dvalue1%2520%26%2520value2 Neither java.net.UR...

java.net.MalformedURLException: Illegal character in URL

hi, I am working on struts.I am encrypting password in one application and passing encrypted password to another application through open url connection.Some times this works fine if i click on the link again system is throwing "java.net.MalformedURLException: Illegal character in URL".Please help me. ...

How to leave URL parameters unescaped in ASP.NET MVC?

I've noticed the returnurl URL parameter on the Stackoverflow login/logout links are not escaped but when I try to add path as a parameter to a route it gets escaped. So /login?returnurl=/questions/ask shows /login?returnurl=%2fquestions%2fask and it's kind of ugly. How do I get it to not escape the returnurl value? Here's what I'm do...

UrlEncode - Javascript vs. C#

I have a URL which requires some parameters. The values of those parameters can be accented characters, so I absolutely need to UrlEncode them. Strangely, I see a difference between the behavior or Javascript and .NET. Let's pretend I try to UrlEncode the word "éléphant". In JavaScript (according to this WebSite: http://www.albionresear...

When POSTing an associative array with cURL, do I need to urlencode the contents first?

When I assign an array of data to be POSTed as a cURL option (via CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS), do I need to urlencode that data first or will that be taken care of? ...

URL Encoding using C#

I have an application which I've developed for a friend. It sends a POST request to the VB forum software and logs someone in (with out setting cookies or anything). Once the user is logged in I create a variable that creates a path on their local machine. c:\tempfolder\date\username The problem is that some usernames are throwing "Il...

Need help approving a user with encryption url.

I'm working on a piece of a web application in ASP.Net MVC where the user registers for membership using an sql membership provider. When they register they are put in the system but not approved. The code then sends an approval email to the user with the email given. BfEncrypt refid = new BfEncrypt(); refid.Encrypt(user.ReferenceID);...

Classic Asp to Asp.Net urlEncoding problem

I'm using a web service for passing information from a bunch of old .asp pages to a database. Problem is that using httpGet, I need to encode the info so it can be safely passed. Everything works like a dream, save for the fact that scandinavian letters such as ä ö and å for example come out as squares. Now I don't even know whether thi...

URL encode a non-value pair in Python

I'm trying to use Google's AJAX (JSON) Web Search API in Python. I'm stuck because Python's urllib.urlencode() only takes value pairs, not strings by themselves, to encode. In Google's API, the query string is the search term and it doesn't associate with a variable. query = "string that needs to be encoded" params = urllib.urlencode(qu...

HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java

My Java standalone application gets a URL (which points to a file) from the user and I need to hit it and download it. The problem I am facing is that I am not able to encode the HTTP URL address properly... Example: URL: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/first book.pdf java.net.URLEncoder.encode(url.toString(), "ISO-8859-...

ASP.NET Validation

Im getting a validation error when a user enters a Foreign name. An example is: System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (ctl00$pageContent$txtName="Pedro ú logo"). where the ú is being translated as & # 250 ; (without the spaces of course) These foreign charac...

How does one encode and decode a string with Python for use in a URL?

Hi, I have a string like this: String A: [ 12234_1_Hello'World_34433_22acb_4554344_accCC44 ] I would like to encrypt String A to be used in a clean URL. something like this: String B: [ cYdfkeYss4543423sdfHsaaZ ] Is there a encode API in python, given String A, it returns String B? Is there a decode API in python, given String B,...