
URL Routing: Handling Spaces and Illegal Characters When Creating Friendly URLs

I've seen a lot of discussion on URL Routing, and LOTS of great suggestions... but in the real world, one thing I haven't seen discussed are: Creating Friendly URLs with Spaces and illegal characters Querying the DB Say you're building a Medical site, which has Articles with a Category and optional Subcategory. (1 to many). ( Could... Illegal character in URL

hi, I am working on struts.I am encrypting password in one application and passing encrypted password to another application through open url connection.Some times this works fine if i click on the link again system is throwing " Illegal character in URL".Please help me. ...

Bash script, Illegal number: 08

I'm running a pretty simple bash script in ubuntu but have come up with a problem. If needed I'll post the whole script, but I've narrowed down the problem. Basically, I want to run some code every 15 seconds, so I started with this: time=`date +%S` time2=$((time%15)) if [ $time2 -eq 0 ] then etc, etc, etc.... The problem comes up...

System.InvalidCastException: System.Data.DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor

Am getting an exception randomly. I have a barcode scanner which enters barcodes into a table. The code is written in C#. I was able to get the exception twice at first; however, am no longer able to generate it. The exception is System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor...

python Illegal instruction on AIX5.2

hi,everyone: I run my python script functions like this: read from a text file, and store the data as dict. But when in the loop, an Illegal instruction occurs. why this happens? the code is like this: d={} datafile=open('a.txt') # a big text file for line in datafile: line=line.rstrip('\n') for token in line.split(): ...

effect of undefined opcodes on the (original) Intel 8086/88

Since the original 8086 and 8088 do not have a software exception for illegal instructions, how do they behave when fed such, for instance "FF FF" (not an opcode) ? Do they stall, do it reset itself, possibly emitting a special cycle indication on its control bus ? ...

setContentView gives an exception

In my android app I set this.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN ); Then my touch screen event doesnt’ work any more. Further Explaining, I have a button and onClick it changes the contentView by setContentView(R.layout.choose_play...

Android full Screen flag gives an exception

In my android app I set this.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN ); Then my touch screen event doesnt’ work any more. Further Explaining, I have a button and onClick it changes the contentView by setContentView(R.layout.choose_pla...

jQuery keyup() illegal characters

I have a field and want to prevent some illegal characters while showing the user as he types. How can I do this in follow example? $('input').bind("change keyup", function() { var val = $(this).attr("value"); /* if (val --contains-- '"') { $(this).css("background", "red"); val = val.replace('"', ""); ...

How to solve - Illegal mix of collations in mysql?

Am getting the below error when trying to do a select through a Stored procedure in mysql. Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_cs,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' Any idea on what might be going wrong here? The collation of the table is latin1_general_ci and that of the column in the where clause is ...

Illegal Instruction When Programming C++ on Linux

Heyo, My program, which does exactly the same thing every time it runs (moves a point sprite into the distance) will randomly fail with the text on the terminal 'Illegal Instruction'. My googling has found people encountering this when writing assembly which makes sense because assembly throws those kinds of errors. But why would g...

Migrating from Powerbuilder 6.5 to 10.5

Hi, We have an application that is built using PFC. I am facing a strange problem. When I define a workspace and open only the PFC librares, I can migrate and do a full Build. However, when I include this in my application library, it will not build, and gives me an error stating C0001: Illegal datatype s_printsetupattrib. This error ...