
Java Exceptions Loops and Deprecation (or is it a URLEncoding thing?)

I just wrote a whole blurb on how I reached this point, but figured it's easier to post the code and leave it at that :) As far as I can tell, the performance of test3() should be the same as test1() - the only difference is where the exception is caught (inside the calling method for test1(), inside the called method for test3()) Why ...

What is the proper way to URL encode Unicode characters?

I know of the non-standard %uxxxx scheme but that doesn't seem like a wise choice since the scheme has been rejected by the W3C. Some interesting examples: The heart character. If I type this into my browser: http://www.google.com/search?q=♥ Then copy and paste it, I see this URL http://www.google.com/search?q=%E2%99%A5 which mak...

Encoding spaces in UITextView / UITextField to URL format

I'm trying to send the contents of UITextView or UITextField as parameters to a php file NSString *urlstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"http://server.com/file.php?name=%@&tags=%@&entry=%@",nameField.text, tagsField.text, dreamEntry.text]; When i log urlstr, the url format is ok just as long as the UITextView or UITextFi...

.net UrlEncode - lowercase problem

Hi, I'm working on a data transfer for a gateway which requires me to send data in UrlEncoded form. However, .net's UrlEncode creates lowercase tags, and it breaks the transfer (Java creates uppercase). Any thoughts how can I force .net to do uppercase UrlEncoding? update1: .net out: dltz7UK2pzzdCWJ6QOvWXyvnIJwihPdmAioZ%2fENVuAlDQGRN...

URL escaping MFC strings

How do you URL escape an MFC CString? ...

java inserting special characters with preparedstatement fails

I am using an HTML form which sends <input type=hidden name=longdesc value='SMARTNET%^" 8X5XNBD'> this is done by the following javascript code: function masinsert(id) { var currentTime=new Date(); var button = document.getElementById("m"+id); button.onclick=""; button.value="Inserting"; var itemdescription = document.ge...

How can I encode Quotation marks without Asp.Net complaining?

On my site, an encoded quote (%22) in url path causes "Illegal characters in path" error I want specify search URLs like so: www.site.com/search/%22Vitamin+C%22 %22 is an encoded quotation mark " I'm using a Asp.Net URL Routing and the route is specified like this: "search/{searchTerm}" When Context["searchTerm"] is retrieved and De...

How do you URL-encode the @ symbol in the iPhone SDK?

Using stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding to URL-encode an NSString isn't encoding the @ symbol. What's the proper way to resolve this? Thanks. ...

PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode?

If i want to create an url using a variable i have two choices to encode the string. urlencode and rawurlencode. What exactly are the differences and which is preferred? ...

Why does URLEncodedFormat() in CFML encodes valid URL characters?

What are the reasons behind URLEncodedFormat() escaping valid URL characters? valid characters: - _ . ! ~ * " ( ) The CF8 Doc said, "[URLEncodedFormat() escapes] non-alphanumeric characters with equivalent hexadecimal escape sequences." However, why escape valid URL characters? ...

Will URLEncode fix this problem with illegal characters in file names (C#)?

I'm building an application that uses an elaborate API to fetch data from Youtube, and the data files are saved with the name of the corresponding video as the file name. However, my program is crashing because quite a lot of the videos on YouTube have characters in their titles that are illegal to use in file names under Windows. Would...

php javascript url encoding

I have a html text. I had encoded it in php using urlencode function. I want to decode that text in the javascript. when i use unescape function in javascript it replaces all the special characters back but sapce is replaced by '+'. how can i do it correctly so that space is replaced as space itself??? ...

urlencode all querystring parameters

Is there a way to url encode the entire URL querystring without trying to urlencode each individual querystring parameters. Right now I'm having to rebuild the querystring with something like this: foreach (string x in Page.Request.QueryString.Keys) { sQueryString += x + "=" + Server.UrlEncode(Request.Params.Get(x)) + "&"; } ...

HTML encoded links and anchors

I have a use case where I am setting the page focus to a particular element (having an anchor before it). When a user is not signed in, there is a redirect to the login page and after signing in, the user is redirected to the page in question, with the URL encoded. I see that a URL of the form link#target works as expected (focusing on ...

how to pass the url value in curl php

$description = "some test data and url"; $description .="http://www.mydata.com?test=1&amp;user=4&amp;destination=645&amp;source=stackoverflow"; curl_setopt($sch, CURLOPT_URL, "myserverurl"); curl_setopt($sch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($sch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($sch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1); curl_setop...

PHP get url with special characters without urlencode:ing them!

Hi. I have a problem. I would like file_get_contents to get a url that looks like this: http://wapedia.mobi/sv/Gröt The problem is that it requests (can't post entire link, sorry): ...wapedia.mobi/sv/Gr%C3%B6t which you can see has been urlencoded, that page does not give me any results. How can I do this? ...

What is the equivelant of HttpUtility.UrlEncode in vb.net?

So far so good... In asp we have the HttpUtility.UrlEncode Is there any equivelant in vb.net? I tried importing the system.web without any luck... yet ...

Problem with slash within a query string

I'm using the WebRequest class to make a request to some site. The query string contains a slash (/), which cause to the url to be cut by the site, because it doesn't see it as part of the query string. The query string is: "my params / separated by slash". The request: var request = WebRequest.Create("http://www.somesime.com/q-my+pa...

Missing part of query string variable when using URLEncode

Hi, my c# aspx page sends an email containing a link like this: http://akerbrygge.cust.avento.no/default.aspx?lang=3&amp;redirect=default.aspx%3fmenu%3d64%26event_id%3d23 When logged in, I want the user to be redirected to the redirect= part of the url. However, .net only finds default.aspx?menu=64 when I output Request["redirect"]....

Unescape/unquote binary strings in (extended) url encoding in python

Hi, for analysis I'd have to unescape URL-encoded binary strings (non-printable characters most likely). The strings sadly come in the extended URL-encoding form, e.g. "%u616f". I want to store them in a file that then contains the raw binary values, eg. 0x61 0x6f here. How do I get this into binary data in python? (urllib.unquote onl...