
how is MalformedURLException thrown in Java

I mean, how does Java decide which protocols are available? I run some code from inside Eclipse, and it works just fine. Then I run the same code from outside Eclipse, and I get "unknown protocol" MalformedURLException. Probably it has to do with the code base, or something? Any hints would be helpful. Thanks! ...

Java Exceptions Loops and Deprecation (or is it a URLEncoding thing?)

I just wrote a whole blurb on how I reached this point, but figured it's easier to post the code and leave it at that :) As far as I can tell, the performance of test3() should be the same as test1() - the only difference is where the exception is caught (inside the calling method for test1(), inside the called method for test3()) Why ...

SVN checkout fails saying URL is malformed

I am trying to checkout files using subversion on RedHat Linux but the checkout fails saying URL (http/https) is malformed or the scheme or host or path is missing. I am not sure now what more configuration/setup is needed? I am able to ping the http(s) site properly. Command: svn checkout --username kdeshpa https://teamforge.wal-mart...

why does java's URL class not recognize certain protocols ?

Hello all , URL u=new URL("telnet://"); This line is generating : unknown protocol: telnet And i encounter similar problems with other URLs that begin with "news://" These are URLs extracted from ODP , so i dont understand why such exceptions arise.. ...

MalformedURLException with file URI

While executing the following code: doc = builder.parse(file); where doc is an instance of org.w3c.dom.Document and builder is an instance of javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder, I'm getting the following exception: Exception in thread "main" unknown protocol: c at<init>(Unk...

Error while trying to use Sax Parser on xhtml file

Hi! I'm trying to parse an xhml file using SAXParser in Java, but gets an exception: " unknown protocol: g" The line made that exception was: While Destination is the full path to the xhml file. The beginning of the xhml file is as followed: <?xml version="1.0" enc...