
Encode/Decode URLs in C++

Does anyone know of any good C++ code that does this ...

java inserting special characters with preparedstatement fails

I am using an HTML form which sends <input type=hidden name=longdesc value='SMARTNET%^" 8X5XNBD'> this is done by the following javascript code: function masinsert(id) { var currentTime=new Date(); var button = document.getElementById("m"+id); button.onclick=""; button.value="Inserting"; var itemdescription = document.ge...

Can't find HttpServerUtility class in System.Web in C#

I'm trying to call the HttpServerUtuility.URLDecode function in C# using Visual Studio 2005, but it can't be found. I'm using System.Web properly, but the class doesn't seem to be there. Do I need to add some sort of reference to my project? ...

WCF Unicode UrlEncoded Get not coming over nicely

I have a RESTful WCF service which accepts GET verbs with Unicode encoded urls. The Unicode characters are translated as little boxes strangely when I get the data on the server. Is there something I have to tell the service contract to do in order to get Unicode UrlEncoded Gets to translate into nice strings? Here's my contract: [Ope...

Request.Querystring removes characters from encrypted text

In my application I take a user's e-mail address, encrypt it, and URLEncode it, and pass it along into a QueryString. email = Server.UrlEncode(aes.Encrypt(email)); The landing page does a Request.Querystring["email"], UrlDecodes it, and then decrypts it. string email = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["eId"]); ...

Re-encode url from utf-8 encoded to iso-8859-1 encoded

I have file:// links with non-english characters which are UrlEncoded in UTF-8. For these links to work in a browser I have to re-encode them. file://development/H%C3%A5ndplukket.doc becomes file://development/H%e5ndplukket.doc I have the following code which works: public string ReEncodeUrl(string url) { Encoding enc = Encodi...

Calling UrlDecode in a C# .NET 4.0 Visual Studio 2010 Console Application ?

OK, for some reason Microsoft removed System.Web but we can import System.Net.WebUtility and call HtmlDecode(), but how can we call UrlDecode()? Please answer for .NET 4.0/VS2010 B2 ONLY. ...

PHP urlencode and decode

All, There is a text area say <input type="submit"> And if a user gives the input as, here is my name and my mail id is "[email protected]" And when the data is posted on the server side the data is received as here is my name and my mail id is \"[email protected]\" Backslash is added behind double quotes.Now how to encode the the ...

JQUERY AJAX, Issues with spaces being sent to the server, Why?

I'm using the following code to post to the server which is then sent to a MYSQL query to find matches via search. $.ajax({ url: '/search/spotlight/', data: "q=" + $(this).val(), success: function(data) { } }); When Q's val has spaces in it, it's creating problems. I'm wondering if I'm handling this correctly? Do I need to encode the ...

jQuery urlencode/decode patch help

Hi Gang, I'm using this jQuery urlencode and urldecode plugin - very simple and easy to use but it doesn't, in its original form, remove + from the string. The one comment on the home page suggests a patch but I don't know how to implement it. Can anyone help me out? The Page: http://www.digitalbart.com/jquery-and-urlencode/ //URL E...

How to decode this data

I have a field in the DB that is type bytea and this is an example of the data in: \254\355\000\005sr\000\014java.net.URL\226%76\032\374\344r\003\000\007I\000\010hashCodeI\000\004portL\000\011authorityt\000\022Ljava/lang/String;L\000\004fileq\000~\000\001L\000\004hostq\000~\000\001L\000\010protocolq\000~\000\001L\000\003refq\000~\000\001...

Decoding international chars in AppEngine

I'm making a small project in Google AppEngine but I'm having problems with international chars. My program takes data from the user through the url "page.html?data1&data2..." and stores it for displaying later. But when the user are using some international characters like åäö it gets coded as %F4, %F5 and %F6. I assume it is because o...

How to decode the url in php where url is encoded with encodeURIComponent()

Hey Guys, How to decode the url in php where url is encoded with encodeURIComponent()? I have tried the urldecode() but then also..i don't the url which i have encoded... I have to do this in php.. ...

php $_REQUEST data is only half-decoded

I am retrieving an encoded url via querystring. I need to pass it again to the next page. When I retrieve it the first time, using $_REQUEST['url'], only the slashes are decoded, e.g: http://example.com/search~S10?/Xllamas&amp;searchscope=10&amp;SORT=D/Xllamas&amp;searchscope=10&amp;SORT=D&amp;SUBKEY=llamas/51%2C64%2C64%2CB/browse Th...

GWT: library for encoding/decoding arbitrary data in URL fragments

Ajax applications, and GWT in particular, use the URL fragment (e.g. http://example.com/myapp#fragment) to maintain application state on the client without reloading the page. Is there a GWT library that facilitates the encoding and decoding of arbitrary parameters into the URL fragment? I'm looking for something analogous to the Servl...

Url encode and routing?

I'm using custom routing in a web forms context. I have some titles (part of my custom route) that have say a question mark character. When I URL encode this text ("Question?") and then pass into my route, I get an HTTP ERROR CODE 400. Apparently, the URL encoded text is somehow confusing the routing manager. Can someone provide context...

How to decode a html string using xslt

I am trying to style an rss feed using xslt. I want to display an image that is stored in the tag on the feed. The problem is it is encoded to display as text on the page instead of being rendered. The following is an example of part of the string. 1). <description>&lt;img src="http&amp;#58;&amp;#47;&amp;#47;buavhw.blu.livefilestore.co...

Javascript equivalent to php's urldecode()

Hi, I wrote a custom xml parser and its locking up on special characters. So naturally I urlencoded them into my database. I can't seem to find an equivalent to php's urldecode() are there any extentions for jquery or javascript that can accomplish this? ...

CodeIgniter passing a URI as a parameter

I have a script that takes input that looks like this... http://tracking.mysite.com/9/1091/2115/u/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.foobar.com%2Ftestdir%2F But when I do this... die(print_r($this->uri->uri_to_assoc(4),TRUE)); I get this... (probably because CodeIgniter or Apache is decoding the URI embedded within the URI) Array ( [1091] => 2115 [u...

How to URLENCODE url with variables???

I need to URLENCODE this: <?php echo 'chart.php?api_url=http://0.chart.apis.google.com/chart?'.$chart1title.$chart1type.$chart1size.$chart1barsize.$chart1gridlines.$chart1data.$chart1color.$chart1bgcolor.$chart1visibleaxis.$chart1axislabels.$chart1axisdatascale.$chart1axisranges.'alt="answeredcalls"';?&gt; And then decode it on the ot...