
Patch/Merge file in plugin by using fragment

In my plugin are the files. These properties files include the strings for the preference page. I want to use this plugin for different customers, but the customer name is inside the properties files. I want to patch the properties files by using the eclipse fragment mechanism. As far as i now the fr... mechanism in eclipse RCP

My project includes multiple plugins and every plugin includes the file with near to 20 translations. The MANIFEST.MF file defines the name of the properties files where the external plugin strings are stored. Bundle-Localization: plugin The name of the plugin i define like Eclipse will search the "%p...

WiX(v3): Harvesting a .csproj with heat.exe in vs2008?

The Question Newly initiated into WiX, I researched and found that v3 uses a tool (heat.exe) to "harvest" information into WiX fragments. I have managed to stumble about and find information on this tool, but none of it seems up to date for the latest heat.exe. Either i am looking in the wrong location, or this is thinly documented. So...

How do I add my fragment to the list of required-plugins on an existing plugin

Hi, I currently have an existing plugin, which references a class from a required plugin. I have replaced this code with a reference to a class which is part of my fragment. I am facing two issues. If I import my fragment as a jar file, I am not able to see the changes I have made as the plugin running as an eclipse application result...

Rails - fragment cache not expiring

This one has me stumped. I have a view with a cached fragment: - cache :key=>"news" do %h2 News - etc I have a sweeper that uses: def expire_home_cache puts "expire_home_cache" expire_fragment(:key => "news") end The sweeper is called as I can see "expire_home_cache" in the console output. But the fragment is not...

Best way to combine fragment and object caching for memcached and Rails

Lets say you have a fragment of the page which displays the most recent posts, and you expire it in 30 minutes. I'm using Rails here. <% cache("recent_posts", :expires_in => 30.minutes) do %> ... <% end %> Obviously you don't need to do the database lookup to get the most recent posts if the fragment exists, so you should be able to...

How to calculate gl_FragCoord in glsl

Ok, in my glsl fragment shader I want to be able to calculate the distance of the fragment from a particular line in space. The result of this is that I am first trying to use a varying vec2 set in my vertex shader to mirror what ends up in gl_FragCoord: varying vec2 fake_frag_coord; //in vertex shader: gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjec...

Fragment shader rendering to off-screen frame buffer

Hi! In a Qt based application I want to execute a fragment shader on two textures (both 1000x1000 pixels). I draw a rectangle and the fragment shader works fine. But, now I want to renderer the output into GL_AUX0 frame buffer to let the result read back and save to a file. Unfortunately if the window size is less than 1000x1000 pixel...

How do I surroundContents() around a Document Fragment Node?

I may be asking the impossible, but, how do I surroundContents on a document-fragment node? My thoughts (which I'd appreciate feedback on), are as follows: Is the solution to close the fragmentation? If that's it, is there some way to detect if the starting node and ending node don't have opening and closing tags? I'm running into the...

video file + fragment shader under Linux

coming from Windows (MSVC++ 2005): What SDK or alike do you recommend to port an C++ application (DirectShow+Direct3D) to Linux playing video file + using fragment shaders? Tom ...

Fragment shaders: output variables

Reading the GLSL 1.40 specification: Fragment outputs can only be float, floating-point vectors, signed or unsigned integers or integer vectors, or arrays of any these. Matrices and structures cannot be output. Fragment outputs are declared as in the following examples: out vec4 FragmentColor; out uint Luminosity; ...

How to force fragment cache on rails from cron schedule?

Is there any way I can trigger a page to be fragment cached without having someone to load the page the first time? I am planning to use cron schedule, this is because my cron scheduler updates the database and that's when I want to force the fragment cache to happen. Thanks. ...

Affect of Content Deployment on Caching

Hi All , we are working on a website with three tier architecture. And the content store is a File System which contains the static content like images and all. We have two types of pages which contain static content and dynamic content but on the whole the page rendering is dynamic. The question is what will be the affect of accessing...

Can you have multiple pixel (fragment) shaders in the same program?

Hopefully this is an easy question. I like things being organised, so I would like to have two pixel shaders; the first doing one thing, and then the next doing something else. Is this possible, or do I have to pack everything into the one shader? Thanks. ...

Can Nokogiri use a SAX parser to parse an HTML fragment?

I have this code. class MyParser < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document def characters(string) LOG.debug("characters #{string}") end def start_element(name, attrs = []) LOG.debug("start_element #{name}") end def end_element(name) LOG.debug("end_element #{name}") end end parser =

Counting texels using a fragment shader

Hi, I have two textures generated using a fragment shader. I want to be able to count the number of texels in each texture that are above some colour intensity. My question is how can this be done? My initial thought is to count these texels using the fragment shader before generating the texture. However, this would require some sort of...

Remove All id Attributes from nodes in a Range of Fragment

Is there a way to remove the id attribute of every node in a range or fragment? Update: I finally found out that the bug I'm struggling with is based on a <[script]> being included in a range, and therefore unexpectedly cloned, when a chrome user does a ctrl+a. My goal would be to remove any instance of <[script]> from the range (or doc...

Remove All Nodes with (nodeName = "script") from a Document Fragment *before placing it in dom*

My goal is to remove all <[script]> nodes from a document fragment (leaving the rest of the fragment intact) before inserting the fragment into the dom. My fragment is created by and looks something like this: range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0)); documentFragment =...

Write XML Fragment with LINQ and Prefixes

I have a document created in a constructor, and during execution I'm filling it in with fragments generated from Custom Business Objects. When I'm outputting the fragments, I need to include namespace fragments, but I'd like to avoid adding the namespace url to each fragment, since it's defined in the root. Any thoughts? _doc = new XD...

RCP unit-tests via fragment delays any view to be shown after all test are finished

hi, I have strange problem using fragment with tests for my plug-in. all I do in the test is initialize the view in set-up and then in test I wait 20 second (with Thread.sleep). the result is that my application (view) never show until the test finish. can I do something about it? this is just an example, my test are about testing ui ...