
PHP urlencode / urldecode of date(DATE_ATOM) issue

Hi I am producing a google calendar query string that requires an atom fomatted date. I am using php 5.1.6, and date(DATE_ATOM) to produce the correctly formatted current date. So, for instance, in the unencoded url part of the query has: start-max=2010-09-02T10:25:58+01:00 I need to rawurlencode this and it becomes start-max%3D20...

urldecode with mod_rewrite

Hi, I would like to decode requested URL via .htaccess/mod_rewrite and forward it to my PHP application. I am making request to some remote service and I need to preserve the URL for redirecting after processing the remote request. I am handling it over in forward GET parameter so I need to encode it via urlencode. I would like it decode...

Using awk printf to urldecode text

Edited to correct the question I'm using awk to urldecode some text. If I code the string into the printf statement like so: printf "%s", "\x3D" it correctly outputs =. The same if I have the whole escaped string as a variable. However, if I only have the 3D, how can I append the \x so printf will print the = and not \x3D. I'm using ...

SQL Server Url Decoding

I need to run a query against a legacy table that stores URL encoded text. I need this text to be decoded in my results. How to I achieve this? ...

Using UrlDecode from a WinForms app

I am creating a test app that will work with query string values. I want to use the HttpUtility.UrlDecode. When I try to add a refernce to the System.Web, System.Web is not availble in the list. When I create a web project in the same solution, System.Web is automatically added. I also tried referencing the web project from the winfor...

Whats the point of HttpUtility.UrlDecode

Whats the point of HttpUtility.UrlDecode when .net already decodes the querystring when you request it. Is this a hangover from classic ASP or am I missing something? ...

URL decoding not working as expected

Hi All, My Browser shows URL with file name as http://www.example.com/pdf/204177_20090604_Chloorhexidine_DCB_oogdruppels_0%2C1%25.pdf Actual File name is 204160_20090604_Atropine_DCB_oogdruppels_0,5%.pdf After urldecode, it gives wrong file name as http://www.example.com/pdf/204177_20090604_Chloorhexidine_DCB_oogdruppels_0,1%.pdf ...

Why does grails URL params decoding behave differently on server vs. local

Let's say I have the following entry in my grails URLMappings.groovy: "/actionName/param1"(controller:'myController', action:'myAction') When I call an URL where param1 includes + as a special character, the URL is encoded correctly to /actionName/my%2Bparam for example, both in my local and in my server environment. In my local envi...