
If we cache params into a local var in an action, will it help or its the same?

So we run a code quality tool called reek once in a while as part of our project. The tool basically looks for code smells and reports them. Here, we observed that we get "Duplication" smell every time we try to access a key in params more than once (As if we are making a method-call twice with same parameters or we are duplicating an if...

Feature envy smell in my code, pls explain?

Eclipse (RedRails) complain about "Feature envy" in the following code: if input_text =~ /^(---\s*\n.*?\n?)(---.*?)/m content_text = input_text[($1.size + $2.size)..-1] # warning in $1 header = YAML.load($1) @content = content_text.strip() @title = header["title"] end My understanding is that I safe to ignore this warning. B...