
Mac/Windows Switching

About 2 years ago I dropped windows from my home PC and switched 100% to linux (fedora, then ubuntu) - The missus wasn't too happy but she got used to it and learned a thing or two. Then about 6 months ago I got myself a shiny new Macbook and since moving to OSX have never looked back; Unfortunately I've not been successful in getting my...

Switching from VB.NET to C# - any advice for learning C#?

Duplicate: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/46048/what-is-the-best-book-to-learn-c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/257625/where-is-a-good-place-to-learn-c-online http://stackoverflow.com/questions/287927/best-way-to-learn-c I've primarily used VB.NET, but for a variety of reasons I'm switching to C#. (I have used C# before, ...

What is a working copy and what does "switching" do for me in Tortoise SVN?

Alright, lets get back to SVN 101. I have a software app and I've hit an important milestone, version 2.0. I decided I want to tag this version as "Version-2.0" so I have this named snapshot. I also create a "Version-2.0" branch in case I need to fix anything and merge it back into my trunk. After reading through the Tortoise SVN hel...

Create new threads or get more work for threads

I've got a program I'm creating(in C#) and I see two approaches.. 1) A job manager that waits for any number of X threads to finish, when finished it gets the next chunk of work and creates a new thread and gives it that chunk or 2) We create X threads to start, give them each a chunk of work, and when a thread finishes a chunk its as...

Fractional Lambda Switching

I am trying to implement Fractional Lambda Switching based on an article of that title I found on IEEE. I really don't understand the event-driven call lever simulator, can anybody explain it? you can download it freely here: http://staff.polito.it/mario.baldi/publications/tsms2004_fls.pdf ...

How to Invoke on background thread

Is there a way to invoke a method on a background thread ? I am aware of BackgroundWorker/Creating a thread or use ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem etc but that's not the answer i am looking for for e.g. the SCSF has attributes to ensure the method is invoked on a background or a UI thread I'd like to do something similar for a small app ...

Grails/Compass question - How can I change the compqass Connection to point to a different directory?

Hi, I use the Searchable plugin with Grails I have the need to change the directory to which Compass points to, depending upon a UI choice by the user. Normally, this value is set in the compassConnection variable of the searchable map in grails-app/conf/Searchable.groovy, like so, and gets called at app startup time: searchable { com...

How does fast user switching affect a windows service?

How does fast user switching affect a windows service? Are the services suspended? or do they keep running in the background when a different user logs in? ...

Jquery - when a link is hovered, switch an image in a seperate DIV

Hi, I am new to Jquery and am having problems getting the following working. I have a web page with two columns. In the left column is an unordered list of links. In the right column is a div. What I want to do is have the div in the right column, change its picture when a user hovers over a link in the left column eg. User hov...

Create plug and play modules in Rails

I want to conditionally switch on/off certain functionality in my Rails app, for example in my current app I have the following functionality "product show case", "product search", "ecommerce", "user management" etc If I implement the same app for someone else they probably might not want the ecommerce function, how do I disable the eco...

iPhone app switching

Is it possible to run an iPhone app from your own app? For example when you press a button in your app, the iPhone switches to another app. If so, how would you do this? ...

determine which mac/ip address(es) are connected to a switch port

hi, i have some linksys srw 2024 switches. id like to know which device(s) is connected to which switch(port). how could this be done...? ...

Switching from a normal view to a TabBar Controller

Hello! I build my first iPhone application and I have a problem with switching views. First, I have two views (login, registration) which switch via "presentModalViewController:animated:". But if someone logged in, there must be a new kind of view. I wanna have an UITabBar at the bottom (tab bar controller). But this does not work. I t...

PHP Switching between two variables equally without using database

i need to switch between two variables so i am able to serve two variables equally for example i have $ad1 $ad2 i want to serve both ads equally using a light method with no database using random method won't serve both equally can you please guide me how to achieve this ? ...

Switching Views

I have two XIb files and I need to switch between them with the swipe of a finger, like the native iphone weather app. does anyone know how to do this. please give some sample code if possible. thank you. P.S I am programming in Objective-C. ...

Switch from a View (Login) to another View with a TabBarController

Hi, i'm new at Iphone SDK Developing and now i need some help. I have a LoginView where the User have to authentificate his legitimacy. After he enter his Username and Passwort he click on the "Sign In" Button. Then i want to load my "Real-App". Here is the Problem because i can't switch from the LoginScreen to the TabBarController. I ...

Switching xib's in iPhone SDK?

I'm having issues with switching xib's when I try to from my second view into the third. I get into the second view from the first like this... -(IBAction)startButtonClicked:(id)sender{ Number2ViewController *screen = [[Number2ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil]; screen.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitio...

iPhone UINavigation Controller issue?

I have 3 different xib's. I am able to go back and forth between view 1 and view 2 with the following code... This Code brings up the second view... -(IBAction)startButtonClicked:(id)sender{ self.gamePlayViewController = [[GamePlayViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"GamePlayViewController" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationCon...

WinForms modal windows alt+tab problem

Hi ! Suppose multiple Modal Windows shown above each other. All of those have ShowInTaskbar = false, which means that in the TaskBar you only see the MainForm and all Modal Windows are hidden. Now you press ALT+ TAB and the most upper modal Windows disappears. But you cannot get it back in front. How should be this done correctly in...

How to switch a view after i parse data?

OK my problem is this, i parse a document and after the document is parsed then i want to load to the next view sounds simple but ive been here for like 4 hours playing with code and id appreciete any help u can give me atm. k heres my parserDidEndDocumentCode - (void)parserDidEndDocument:(NSXMLParser *)parser{ IpadSlideShowViewContro...