
Monitoring pthread context switching

I would like to monitor the the context switching behavior in a multi-threaded pthread application. In other RTOSes(Micro C OS) I have been able to register a context switch callback for each thread in the application, and then log (or toggle a gpio) and watch the thread context switching in real time. This was a valuable tool for deb...

Do I need to implement an XMPP server?

(newbie alert) I need to program a multiparty communication service for a course project, and I am considering XMPP for it. The service needs following messaging semantics: 1) server will provide a method of registering and unregistering an address such as [email protected]/SomeResource. (for now I will do it manually). 2) serve...

how to insert both image and button in android at a time??????? please

i need to insert 2 images and 2 buttons.action required is that whn i click on th first button corrsponding image should be displayed.same action required for other button also but second image should be displayed. ...

Prevent android app from showing up in switcher

Hey everyone, I have an app with an SMS receiver set up, but even if the sms receive function is turned off using the package manager, the app will go to the top of recent applications (when holding the home button) if a sms is received. How can I stop this behavior? Thanks for any help in advance. Cheers! ...

MPMoviePlayerController switching from live to VOD stalling issue

I'm trying to create a basic app on the iPad SDK 3.2, that displays one movie player that switches between different video sources. Switching between VOD using the code below does not have any issues. However if I switch to a live stream and then back to a VOD the video player constantly stalls. I've also tried releasing then re-cre...

How to correctly switch view ?

Hi, i know its already allot of info about that in internet, but i'm new to programming and little confused, i need little help please... for example i have 10 views controllers and switching between it with a buttons for example i switching with -(IBAction)goToSecondView:(id)sender { SecondViewController *secondView = [[SecondVie...

iPhone - switching views trouble

I have pretty much the same setup as the ViewSwitch app from the Book Beginning iPhone 3 Development Exploring the SDK. Except I have a settings view and a view with a tableview inside it. The bottom bar is the the same as the example with the switch view button in the lower left but my app has a navigation bar too. The second view t...

How to switch PHP version back and forth?

Hi, I installed LAMP manually on Ubuntu, let's say my current version of PHP is 5.2 and I want to switch to PHP 5.3 for awhile, is that possible? No xampp solution please. Thanks ...

iphone app if backgrounded and then killed from fast access bar, on next restart will crash with SIGKILL and iphone will turn black

So the iphone app that I have created... if it is backgrounded for another app or something... And then is killed using the fast action switcher. next restart of app crashes app Iphone turns black screen with status bar at top and just gets stuck there. If I then double tap home button I can see a faint line come up to slightly show ...

Changing classes back and forth with jQuery?

Hey guys, I have a little button functionality that is not erring, but also not working. The addItem gets called fine, and switches the class from "add-button" to "in-cart-button", but the $("a.in-cart-button").click(... doesn't seem to be firing. When I click the "in-cart-button", instead it triggers the addItem function again... Any id...

Struts Module SwitchAction ,switching not happening properly

Hi guys, I was hoping if anyone cud help me with struts SwitchAction. I am using struts 1.1 and scaffold. I have two modules, customer and utilities. I am switching an action from * struts-config-utilities.xml* to struts-config-customer.xml , the jsp in customer module is loaded and the beans are executed. But when I try to invoke ano...

iphone : Switching views like a picture book, problem with removeFromSuperView

Hello all Right I know how to do the pictue book effect but I struggling to remove the view So page 1, I add the second page view via addSubview (via a swipe). I also increment a counter so I know what page I am on. So how do I return to page 1? See I thought it would be self.view removeFromSuperview but that crashes when you try to...

How to switch beteen Multiple Activities in Android

Hi, I am Having 8 Screenns.I have prepared 8 Activities for that. In First Activity I have given this code To Switch from Ist Activity to IInd On Image Button gives On Clickpublic void onClick(View v) { Intent myIntent = new Intent(v.getContext(), Activity2.class); v.getContext().startActivity(myIntent); }); What to do to Switch ...

iPhone View Switching

I have what I think is a simple problem. I have three views in my app, View1, View2, View3. I know how to go from View1 to View2, and from View2 to View3, but how do I go from View3 back to View1? I am using the following method in the View1ViewController.m to go from View1 to View2: [self presentModalViewController:view2ViewController...

Anyone have example code using switched Views instead of Activities inside a TabHost on Android ?

The Android developer guide (http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-tabwidget.html) states: `You can implement your tab content in one of two ways: use the tabs to swap Views within the same Activity, or use the tabs to change between entirely separate activities. Which method you want for your application will dep...