



I have what I think is a simple problem. I have three views in my app, View1, View2, View3. I know how to go from View1 to View2, and from View2 to View3, but how do I go from View3 back to View1?

I am using the following method in the View1ViewController.m to go from View1 to View2:

[self presentModalViewController:view2ViewController animated:YES]

And the same thing to go from View2 to View3.

I am including the View2 view controller in the View1 XIB file, and am including the View3 view controller in the View2 XIB file.

I've found that if I use [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES] from View3 I can only go back to View2, whereas I need to go all the way back to View1.

Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks, -Sd

+1  A: 

From your description, it sounds like you're using modal views incorrectly. They are not a way to transition between views, they are a way to briefly show some dialog that will be dismissed soon after (like selecting a date or something). Are you sure that both your views are actually modal views, and not completely distinct?

Ian Henry
In my app, View2 is just a brief animation that shows a picture between View1 and View3. It doesn't do anything, really. But I need to be able to get from View3 back to View1. Can you suggest another method?
+1  A: 

Don't think of calling -presentModalViewController: as a way of going from one view controller to another; think of it as a way of, well, presenting a view controller modally. If you want to implement navigation, you should take a look at UINavigationController.

Is the UINavigationController the right fit? My View2 does absolutely nothing except show a picture for 1.5 seconds, before opening View3.
I guess that depends on what you mean by 'opening' the third view. But a modal view controller suggests a user interaction (usually involving capturing user input), so that's definitely the wrong paradigm. Instead, why not just have the first view controller add a subview or layer to display the animation?
I like the sounds of that option - adding a subview to the View1 view controller that handles the animation. What methods can I use to handle that?
Depends how you're creating the second view; if you create it in IB, then all you'd need to do is send an `-addSubview:` message to the first view. When the animation completes, you could then either send `-removeFromSuperview` to the second view, or just set its `hidden` property to YES.
Right now I have all three views in IB. So, in this case, I'm getting rid of my View2 completely, and sort of embedding it as a subview in View1. So, View2 becomes a subview of View1, and View3 becomes View2.
jlehr: Can I add a subview by calling its XIB?
Not sure I know what you mean by 'calling its XIB.'
A nib (not xib; that's a compile-time artifact that doesn't exist at runtime), is a file in the filesystem -- that's not something that you can call. Did you mean load the nib? If so, that's not enough; you still have to send an `-addSubview:` message to the first view.
Yes - sorry, that's what I meant. Thanks very much for all of your help. Trying all of this now...
+1  A: 

You might consider using a navigation controller to switch between views. Adding views with the pushViewController method. You could then use the (NSArray *)popToRootViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)animated method in the UIViewController class. There is also popToViewController:animated: that will allow you to pop to a specific viewController.

If you are set on using modal views you can implement a protocol in view3 that view2 implements. When you are ready to pop to view1 from view3 you can call [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: YES]; then use your protocol to notify view2 that it should also dismiss its modal view.

Hope this helps.

Really appreciate the comment. In my case, View2 does absolutely nothing other than show a picture for 1.5 seconds, before opening up View3. Can you elaborate on implementing a protocol?
If I were you I'd go with a UINavigationController. When your animation finishes push view3 onto the stack. If you want to go the protocol route check out this link. . Scroll down until you see the heading Formal Protocols. It's pretty simple and a technique that will come in very handy down the road when you need to communicate between views.