
Run-Time Check Failure #0 callback from C dll

Hi all. I'm writing Add-inn Application A in VB.Net and DLL B in C language. Application A pass callback method to dll B. When certain event occur the dll invoke the callback from A. Whole works fine on my PC but when I move it to Notebook I get an error: Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a func...

Handle events for dynamic (run-time) controls - VB.NET

I have a WebBrowser control that is created and added to the form during run-time. How do I connect this control to subroutine that can handle its events at run-time? ...

Autogenerate value objects

Given an interface or interfaces, what is the best way to generate an class implementation? interface Vehicle { Engine getEngine(); } @Generated class Car implements Vehicle { private final Engine engine; public Car(Engine engine) { this.engine = engine; } public Engine getEngine() { return...

with dynamic, awkward reflection no more?

C# 4.0 introduces dynamic keyword, which will look up at run-time. Does this mean we'll need awkward reflection no more? If does, Can you show up an example of it? ...

Grails/Compass question - How can I change the compqass Connection to point to a different directory?

Hi, I use the Searchable plugin with Grails I have the need to change the directory to which Compass points to, depending upon a UI choice by the user. Normally, this value is set in the compassConnection variable of the searchable map in grails-app/conf/Searchable.groovy, like so, and gets called at app startup time: searchable { com...

What causes MS VB Run-time Error -2147417848 (80010108) in Excel Macro

I have a macro which runs fine on my machine but when I try to run it on another machine it gives the following error. Microsoft Visual Basic Run-time Error -2147417848 (80010108) Automation Error The Object invoked has disconnected from its clients. ...

C# Override Method at Runtime

I have two questions. 1) I found a little gem of code for how to make a control scroll smoothly. Great. But it overrides the WndProc method, so to use it, I had to tear out the FlowLayoutPanel I'd dropped on the form at design time, subclass FlowLayoutPanel, and then finally instantiate my new class and create all the properties manual...