
Partial PostBack and actions on client side

I've got two DropDownLists. First is visible and second is not. I'd like to have something like this: Select value from first DDL. Then partial postback occurs - the data is retrieved from DB based on selection. Second DDL is populated Second DDL is shown with i.e. slide effect (javascript) I don't want to have full postback. The ...

Redirect to Refer on Partial View Form Post using ASP.NET MVC

Hi, I'm looking for a best practice suggestion. I've got a ShoppingBag Controller with a Partial that lists all the items in the user's bag. In this Partial you can remove items from the bag via a form post. The Partial has been place in a Master Page which is referenced by each of the Views in the Controller. When an item is removed ...

How can I update an UpdatePanel in a control from the page?

I have a modal on a page that also contains a user control. When clicking the 'OK' button in the modal, I would like to update an updatepanel that is contained within the user control on the page. I have done this before but am having a brain-fart at the moment. Currently the 'OK' button on the modal does a full page post, I'd like t...

What is a Partial Postback?

I'm an experienced web developer in several different web technology stacks. I currently work in .Net and I've become curious about the Partial Postback. I understand what the Partial Postback's function is and how to work with it programatically, but I don't like using technology that I don't understand, how is a Partial Postback impl...

Making a difference between AsyncPostbacks in nested UpdatePanels in Asp.Net AJAX

In an AJAX project (WebForms),I have an UpdatePanel, and in UpdatePanel i have multiple nested Controls with UpdatePanels, basically i have control trees. The Parent Control is huge and very important part of the site i cannot touch it,(and also it is reused on many places),the UpdatePanel shoud remain on current position. The c...

Preserve Data-structure on AJAX postback

Partial Class ClientCenter_UpdateSub Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Structure PInfo Dim Name As String Dim Surname As String End Structure Dim OldPInfo As New PInfo Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Not IsPostBack Then 'bla...

Rails: In-place editor but no postback?

I'm using Prototype in my Rails project to do in-place editing (via Ajax.InPlaceEditor) of a form. However, I don't want it to immediately post back and do the update - the form itself is pretty complicated and the user may decide to abandon their changes. Only now they can't, because the form has invisibly (to them) updated the database...

LinkButton inside UpdatePanel disappears after partial page postback

I have a linkbutton inside a updatepanel and when the update panel does a partial page rendering, the linkbutton disappears. <asp:UpdatePanel ID="up" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Conditional"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:DropDownList ID="drp" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" CausesValidation="true"> <asp... UpdatePanel - Works first time then fails

I have a simple update panel that contains an ASP DataList. It shows a list of documents and their approval status. Here is some sample markup <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upDocuments" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:DataList ID="dlDocuments" runat="server" RepeatLayout="Table"> <HeaderTempla...

What's the difference between a Callback and a Partial Postback?

Is there a difference, or are the terms synonymous? Sorry if this has been asked before, I could only find the difference between a full postback and a callback. I'm already aware of how a full postback is different. In using ASP.Net 2.0, if that matters. (By the way, does it matter? Or are these terms defined the same for any web b...

User control inside update panel causing full page postback

I have a user control with linkbuttons (used for paging) and a repeater inside an update panel. The paging works correctly, but is causing a full page postback every time I click through to the next page. The update panel looks like this: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="up1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always"> <ContentTemplate> ...

jQuery is not working after partial postback

I have this jquery functions below in external file. So after partial postback jquery is not working. I need to load jquery from server side on partial postback. can someone show me what I need to call in this code and how to load jquery jQuery(function ($) { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var browserVersion = (user...

Disabling viewstate on drop down list causes problems

Hi, I have a page that has two drop down lists on it and a button. All controls sit in an update panel. The first drop down list (ddl1) contains a lot of values which caused a huge viewstate so I disabled viewstate on it. In the page oninit event I populate the drop down list every time the page is posted back. This all seems to work ...