
iPad "dismiss keyboard" button (lower right), how do I detect when this occurs? What function tells me it was pressed?

I have an ipad app that when you are in landscape view, the view will move up when the keyboard is brought in. When you press done on the keyboard, textFieldShouldReturn and textFieldShouldEndEditing are called in which case, I move the view down in shouldEndEditing. If the user presses the dismiss keyboard button, the keyboard does poo...

ExtJS combo elements disappear on select

I have a simple combo box with some values in it, populated by a json store. The problem is that when I click the drop down and select a value, all the other values disappear so that I cannot select another value. Heres my code: Ext.onReady(function(){ var dropDownStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ autoDestroy: false, fields: ['g...

jQuery - string disapearing from a variable

Hey, I'm doing a search box and when I want the page to redirect, something strange heppens. Here is the script: $('#search_form').submit(function(ev) { var searchTerm = $("input[name = search_term]").val(); var search_location = conf_fullSiteAddress + "search/" + searchTerm + "/"; alert(search_location); window.locatio...

SharePoint 2007 Designer: Read-only Date/Time disappears with Update Item

I have a simple workflow that creates a User and Date/Time stamp when the user checks complete = Yes. Everything works fine when the columns are unprotected, but when the columns are Hidden or Read-only, the Date/Time from the previous step disappears. I've tried Hiding the fields by managing site content, and by using SharePoint Boost...

ASP.net MVC Project doesn't appear in project templates

Hi guys. My SO is Windows server 2003, and i have already installed on my machine .net 4 and MVC 2. But when i open vs2008 i don't see MVC web projects, strange in my pc at home appears perfectly but here in the work nothing. Someone knows how to resolve? Thanks ...

Iphone UISearchBar Disappears When Enabled for Multiple Tables

I am working on an iphone app. I have eight tables in a view and only a single table has alpha = 1 at a time depending on which tab at the top of my view is clicked. This works perfectly. I have a search bar that looks through the tables and operates almost perfectly - there are some bugs that I am working on. Currently, my biggest c...

PNG backgrounds disappear in IE when using Jquery slides and fades

I've got a simple Jquery script to slide part of my header, however in IE, when I process the slide and fades, all PNG backgrounds (they are set in CSS) disappear. Please note that this script has been written inside of PHP hence all the slashes and marks :). <script type=\"text/javascript\"> $(document).ready(function(){ ...

C++ 2010 builder show hint all time

How to in c++ 2010 builder show hint all the time when is code write? For example if I try to use command MessageBox, I start to type message and press control+space, that will be show up list of functions which have first letter same, and after that I press enter on which function I like and that give me a yellow hint, everything is ok ...

Attempts to reset javascript form make form disappear.

I created a form that randomly selects 12 T/F questions from an array of 16, displays them in a random order and will score it all at the end. The problem is that I cannot get the form to clear on refresh. When I try with nearly any method, the form, questions and all disappears. The reset button, however, does work. Here's the form: ...

Select prompt option disappears when validation fails in Rails

Let me preface by saying I'm a noob to Rails and StackOverflow so please go easy on me. I'm using Rails 2.3.8 with sqlite3 on my dev box. I have created a select pulldown in a form using the following: <%= select( "communication", "gig_id", { "Add New Gig" => "new"}, {:prompt => "-- Select Gig --"}, :onchange => "toggle(this, 'gigInfo...