
Getting started with Latex Beamer Template editing

For some time now I've been wondering whether I could create a custom template for the Latex Beamer class for my own presentations and how hard it would be. The problem is I can't seem to find any introductory material on how to get started. Does someone have some introductory material on the topic? ...

LaTeX Beamer package, compiling only produces 32 slides

I've been writing a slide presentation using Beamer, and have written 35 slides (or frames) using \begin{frame} some stuff \end{frame}. The problem is, that on compilation, only the first 32 frames are produced. The typesetter does not report any errors or warnings. Ideas for what is going wrong? ...

Creating a New Environment with Multiple Sub-environments in Latex

Hi, I'd like to create a newenvironment that could contain two lists, each with an arbitrary number of items. Some fixed text \begin{itemize} \item item 1 \item item 2 \item item 3 \item item 4 % Maybe more items \end{itemize} Some more fixed text \begin{itemize} \item item 5 \item item 6 % Could have more items here \end{itemize} Some...

Remove the slide count from Beamer footer

I would like to remove the slide count (e.g., SLIDE_NUMBER / TOTAL_SLIDES) from the footer (footline) of a Beamer presentation, without removing the footer entirely. I am using the Boadilla theme, which uses the infolines outer theme. In the beamerouterthemeinfolines.sty file, we find the following definition for the footline: \defbeame...

Link to external application in LaTeX Beamer

Is there a way to link to an external application (so that it starts) when clicking on a link in a PDF file, e.g. in a beamer class LaTeX file? ...

LaTex: start a command in the beginning of an environment and end it in the ending definition

Hello, This may be dumb or obvious, but I am learning to make sty files and I have been modifying some code from the beamerposter project. Anyway, I have this: \def\postercolumn#1 {\begin{column}{#1\textwidth} \begin{beamercolorbox}[center,wd=\textwidth]{postercolumn} \begin{minipage}[T]{.95\textwidth} %\parbo...

centering titles when using the beamer class in latex

I want to center the frametitles on my talk. I understand that the beamer class has a built-in ability to center frametitles, but I can't figure out how to do it. It is something like: \begin{frame} \frametitle[alignment=center]{title} \end{frame} but that doesn't work. Can I get a little help? ...

LaTeX Beamer: Using \againframe with squeeze option

When I write: \begin{frame}[label=foo,squeeze] ... \end{frame} and later use \againframe{foo} to repeat the frame, the content on the repeated frame is not "squeezed" (and in my case too long to fit on the slide). How do I combine \againframe with the squeeze option? ...

Background colour in beamer title

I want to be able to set the background colour of the title to the same as the background of the slide or transparent. I have a gradient on the slide. Currently I have \setbeamercolor{frame title}{bg=, fg=} ...

How to best manage multi-lingual presentations?

I have a presentation done in Latex+Beamer, currently in french. I also need to make the same presentation, with the same structure, in dutch. I'd like to maintain the presentation in one file, so that if I want to change the structure of it, I only have to do it in one place. What's the best way to put the translations outside of the pr...

Resizing screenshots/screen captures for inclusion in Beamer

Sorry, this may or may not be a programming question directly, but I am trying to resize screenshots with Imagemagick and Gimp to include in a Beamer presentation, but it comes out even blurrier than the resizing done by LaTeX. For instance, in Beamer I might have a command to rescale the image \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{fig....

Resources for latex beamer

I am learning latex right now as a hobby and was working on beamer classes. What I would like to know is how to create your own themes for beamer. Can you please point out some good resources which would help me do it..I googled but could not really find some ...

How do I change the block template for specific theorem environments (LaTeX beamer)

The amsthm theorem environments (theorem,example,proof,solution,...) make blocks on beamer slides. The default is that example environments use a different template (block example) than theorem or solution or proof (block). How do I make solution use a different template like "block solution" that I can define? Edit: Thanks to those w...

Presentation with latex, changing the width in each frame

Hello, In my presentation, I use \usetheme{Warsaw} and in order to increase the usable space in each frame, I use \useoutertheme{infolines}. In this way, the bar at the bottom of each page is equally divided between author's name, title, and date and slide number. Is there anyway to change the width of each section? For example, I need ...

LaTeX beamer presentation-package 16:9 aspect ratio?

I'm programming a presentation in LaTeX using the beamer package. However, it defaults to 4:3 aspect ratio slides, while everything I use is 16:9 -- is there an easy way to change this using a command or two? Thanks! ...

LaTeX beamer free-flowing two column?

So in standard LaTeX, there is \twocolumn, where I can just type text, and it'll go down the left side of the page, then continue at the top of the right side of the page. Now, I know that inside of a Beamer frame, I can manually create two columns, of various width, with text in them -- however, is there a way to have the text freely f...

LaTeX beamer: way to change the bullet indentation?

I've checked the Beamer Class manual (PDF file). I can't figure out how to change the indentation bullet assigns to \itemize. [This is kind of important, as I'm using 2 column slides, and I don't want beamer to steal too much horizontal space]. ...

How to set any font size (e.g. 32pt) with \setbeamerfont?

I want to set font size for frametitle with \setbeamerfont. How to set any font size (e.g. 32pt) with \setbeamerfont? ...

Latex Beamer Command to make Image Slides

Hi, I am using the following beamer command \newcommand{\imgslide}[2]{ {\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{ \includegraphics [width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{images/#1}} \begin{frame}[plain] \txtonimg{#2} \end{frame} } } And I get errors repeatedly. The same c...

different overlay specification in different beamer modes?

I have a beamer frame with about 150 slides on it. I want article and handout mode to only show frame 92. Reading section 8.6.2 of the beamer manual it seems like I should be able to do something like \begin{frame}<handout:92> ... \end{frame} but that seems to have no effect--all 150 slides are set in handout mode, overlaying (mak...