
What´s your favorite definition/citation of an Object (in general) in OOD? (from a book, a person (Meyer, Booch, Reenskaug, Wirfs-Brock etc..))

There are quite some interesting definitions of what an object in OO is? Please post your favorite definitions and quotes! One of my favorites comes from Trygve Reenskaug: "The object has three properties which makes it a simple, yet powerful module building block: It has state so it can model memory. It has behaviour, so it ...

Does the computer science/software engineering field have a standardized citation format?

Wikipedia provides a number of citations used in the sciences, however does one stand out in computer science and software engineering related documents? My initial guess is to the IEEE format, as they have a number of conferences and publications related to both fields, but I couldn't find anything definite. ...

Blinding a latex paper

Many journals require submission of a blinded version of your paper. The blinded version usually removes: the list of authors any citations to the authors' work How can I create a blinded version of my manuscript without doing this manually? ...

How do I cite author in Latex?

How do I cite authors in Latex? I tried using natbib package ---- doc.tex ---- ... \usepackage{natbib} ... \citeauthor{736184} ... ---- doc.bib ---- @inproceedings{736184, author = {Broder, Andrei Z.}, ... but all I get is (author?) (in bold). ...

Latex: Citations in section headings put into table of contents first

I have some citations for sections of my document that I have put in the section heading: \section{The title \cite{abc}, \cite{def}} Text I am also using the table of contents function, but Latex must look at the citations in the headings (for the table of contents) first and assign them the first citation rankings, regardless of their...

Citation formatting and the hyperref package

I'm using the hyperref package in my document. One of the things that it does is create bookmarks in my pdf, based on the table of contents. Some section titles contain a reference to a citation \section{Some title \citep{BibTeXkey}} The label of the bookmark then looks like Some title BibTeXkey But I would like it to be Some tit...

Putting citation text on same slide with LaTeX Beamer

By default, using \cite in the Beamer class of LaTeX places the actual citation information at the end of the presentation on a separate slide containing the bibliography. How does one get the citation information, instead, on the same slide as the citation (the expected, courteous practice for most presentations)? ...

Latex-style citations in emacs and Wanderlust

I'm reading my email in emacs using Wanderlust client. I'm subscribed on a bunch of mailing lists and quite often I'm noticing well-formatted emails which employs LaTeX-style (most simple explanation for desired behavior I guess) citations for links. For example: A side note: as written in [1], "7.5. Hints and Tips for Effective Use of...

Compiling LaTex bib source

Hi I am writing my thesis in Latex, and I have the references in an own thesis.bib file which look as follows @Article{xxx, author = "D.A. Reinhard", title = "Case Study", year = "1985", } and I reference them in my main document as ~\cite{xxx} When I compile then the main document with: pdflatex main.tex ...

Approximate Number of CPU Cycles for Various Operations

I am trying to find a reference for approximately how many CPU cycles various operations require. I don't need exact numbers (as this is going to vary between CPUs) but I'd like something relatively credible that gives ballpark figures that I could cite in discussion with friends. As an example, we all know that floating point division...

Latex citation question

Is it possible to cite something in Latex so that the end result is (e.g. Author, 200X)? At the moment I use (e.g. \citep{Author200X}) but I was wondering if there was a better strategy. I'm using TeXshop, and natbib. Thank you. ...

[bibtex] How to change citation format?

Hi all, I'm using Harvard citations in a paper. I use the following options: \usepackage{natbib} \bibpunct{(}{)}{,}{a}{}{;} ... \bibliographystyle{plainnat} \bibliography{Comparison} When I use \cite and \citep I get the following at the end of the pdf: S.Shekhar and S.Chawla. Spatial databases: a tour. PrenticeHall, 2003. Actua...

How to cite a document with multiple authors using natbib

Hello, I would like to cite a paper by three authors so that all three of them appear in the text. I'm using natbib with the apalike bibliography style. According to natbib's documentation, the way to do this (and the way I remember doing it a few years ago) is to write \citet*{bibliographykeyhere}. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work...