
Modifying Colors in rst.el

In Emacs, I'm using a color scheme with a dark background and light text. When working with .rst files, I have a mode for that which uses rst.el. However, rst.el highlights headings with a light background color, which makes reading light text on it impossible! I think that this is the section of code in rst.el that is responsible for t...

epydoc and reStructuredText change link name

I'm using reStructuredText with epydoc. How can I have the text of an internal link different than the target of the link? I have: :todo: Figure out the `Product.manufacturer` relationship in `Product`. The Product link looks fine and links to the Product object. The Product.manufacturer link goes to the proper member variable, but in...

Can I add "Smartypants" to restructuredText?

I use restructuredText, and I like what smartypants does for Markdown. Is there a way to enable the same thing for restructuredText? ...

Multiple pages html output from a .rst document in Django

I'm writing a Django app to serve some documentation written in RestructuredText. I have many documents written in *.rst, each of them is quite long with many section, subsection and so on. Display the whole document in a single page is not a problem using Django filters, but I'd rather have just the topic index on a first page, whit li...

Math in reStructuredText with LaTeX

I would like to use a lightweight markup language to take notes in my college classes. My editor of choice is gedit, and I found reStructuredText Tools for Gedit, which will run the reStructuredText processor and render the HTML in a pane in gedit. This is great, and 80% of the way there. But for many of my classes I need to include m...

Insert relative link in reStructuredText

I am documenting a library that has a Python component and a JavaScript component. The overall user documentation, and the Python API documentation are in reStructuredText, processed with Sphinx. The JavaScript API is in jsdoc and is processed with jsdoc-toolkit. The principal output format will be HTML. I am new to reST, Sphinx and js...

sphinx, restructuredtext: set color for a single word

Hi, Is there a way to set the color of single words (or characters) in sphinx? I'm pretty sure there should be some markup tag, like HTML's font tag. Thanks, Adam ...

In Sphinx, how can I create a linkable "terminology" section without massive overhead?

I want to create a "terminology" section with definitions for terms that I'm using such that every time I use the terms in this terminology section, a link is created that points to the definition. Currently, the best I can think up is: .. |flavor| replace:: `:ref:flavor` .. _flavor: flavor ------ blah blah blah Then later, in the ...

single py file for convert rst to html

I write blog by using rst, and I manually convert it into html, and post it. For now, I want to create a simple blog system by using GAE, I know docutils can convert rst to html, but docutils is big, is there a single py file for convert rst to html? anyone notice GAE? ...

Using reStructuredText to add some HTML with custom "id" and "class" attributes

Using rsStructuredText to generate HTML, I am trying to wrap a paragraph with an extra div element. The must contain an "id" attribute with a value I assign. Also, the must have a "class" attribute with "editable" value. This is what I have so far: .. raw:: html <div id="an_identifier"> .. class:: editable ...

Is there a way to right-justify text within cells of a restructured text table?

When I put numbers in tables I generally want them to be right justified and in a fixed width font. Otherwise the numbers become hard to compare. Is there a way to right justify fields within a table? Eg how do I get this to render with the numbers all right justified? .. csv-table:: :header: x, x*x 3,9 4,16 9,81 ...

Parsing restructured text in django (and python)

I'm going to manage some documentation using Django (I come from Sphinx) in order to have more control on the output. The docs are in rst (restructured text) in a git archive, and it's trivial to display them in HTML using a filter. My problem is that they are quite long, and I'd like to have more control on how the pagination goes, so I...

A comparison of markup languages: markdown, markup, wikiformat, restructuredtext,bbcode

This is a collection of markup language comparison, which may cover the below points, please don't close this question. easy to write. easy to read. integration for program languages. convert tools for html/pdf other staffs. ...

How Do I Suppress or Disable Warnings in reSTructuredText?

I'm working on a CMS in Python that uses reStructuredText (via docutils) to format content. Alot of my content is imported from other sources and usually comes in the form of unformatted text documents. reST works great for this because it makes everything look pretty sane by default. One problem I am having, however, is that I get warn...