
How to write callouts using restructured text?

Asciidoc supports callouts. How can one write similar callouts using reStructuredText? ...

How to make columns as wide as the widest entry?

For a gcc cheatsheet I'm writing, I want to create a table which should describe how gcc interprets different file endings. The table I created so far is defined as follows: |====================================================================== |.c |C source code which must be preprocessed. |.i |C source code which should not be ...

Any Suggestions for Opening a .asc (ASCII) file when Notepad doesn't do the trick?

I was attempting to open a raw data file (.asc) format with Notepad and am getting gibberish like the following: 1A120090900007 01Piedmont Federal Savings Bank 16 W 3rd St 00 02 1F120090900007 CCR134 +0000000000CCR180 Now, I tried searching around as to what this formatting might be but haven't been able to find anything (thou...

Asciidoc image inline macro vs. image block macro

I don't understand in which context an image block macro would be preferable to an image inline macro. I played around with a little test document and the only difference I could see is that I could "inline" (who would have guessed ;-)) the inline macro. So why not always use the inline version? ...