I wonder if someone knows of a tool or script which easily merges a bunch of jar-files into one .jar. A bonus would be to easily set the main-file manifest and make it executable.
The concrete case is a java restructured text tool: http://jrst.labs.libre-entreprise.org/en/user/functionality.html
I would like to run it with something like
java -jar rst.jar
As far as I can tell it no dependencies which indicates that it shouldn't be an easy single-file tool, but the downloaded zip-file contains a lot of libs.
0 11-30-07 10:01 jrst-0.8.1/ 922 11-30-07 09:53 jrst-0.8.1/jrst.bat 898 11-30-07 09:53 jrst-0.8.1/jrst.sh 2675 11-30-07 09:42 jrst-0.8.1/readmeEN.txt 108821 11-30-07 09:59 jrst-0.8.1/jrst-0.8.1.jar 2675 11-30-07 09:42 jrst-0.8.1/readme.txt 0 11-30-07 10:01 jrst-0.8.1/lib/ 81508 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/batik-util-1.6-1.jar 2450757 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/icu4j-2.6.1.jar 559366 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/commons-collections-3.1.jar 83613 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/commons-io-1.3.1.jar 207723 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/commons-lang-2.1.jar 52915 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/commons-logging-1.1.jar 260172 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/commons-primitives-1.0.jar 313898 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar 1994150 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/fop-0.93-jdk15.jar 55147 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/activation-1.0.2.jar 355030 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/mail-1.3.3.jar 77977 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/servlet-api-2.3.jar 226915 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/jaxen-1.1.1.jar 153253 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/jdom-1.0.jar 50789 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/jewelcli-0.41.jar 324952 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/looks-1.2.2.jar 121070 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar 358085 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/log4j-1.2.12.jar 72150 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/logkit-1.0.1.jar 342897 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/lutinwidget-0.9.jar 2160934 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/docbook-xsl-nwalsh-1.71.1.jar 301249 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/xmlgraphics-commons-1.1.jar 68610 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/sdoc-0.5.0-beta.jar 3149655 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/xalan-2.6.0.jar 1010675 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar 194205 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/xml-apis-1.3.02.jar 78440 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/xmlParserAPIs-2.0.2.jar 86249 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/xmlunit-1.1.jar 108874 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/xom-1.0.jar 63966 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/avalon-framework-4.1.3.jar 138228 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/batik-gui-util-1.6-1.jar 216394 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/l2fprod-common-0.1.jar 121689 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/lutinutil-0.26.jar 76687 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/batik-ext-1.6-1.jar 124724 11-30-07 09:49 jrst-0.8.1/lib/xmlParserAPIs-2.6.2.jar
As you can see, it somewhat desirable, not having to dothis manually.
Thank you.
Thanks for all the answers. So far I've only tried AutoJar and ProGuard so far, both of which was fairly easy to get running. It appears that there's some issue with the constant pool in the jars.
I'll investigate further :-)
Apparently jrst is slightly broken, so I'll make a go of fixing it. The maven pom.xml was apparently broken too, so I'll have to fix that before fixing jrst ... I feel like a bug-magnet :-)
I never got around to fixing this application, but i checked out Eclipse's "Runnable JAR export wizard" which is based on fat jar. I found this very easy to use for deploying my own code.
Some of the other excellent suggestions might be better for builds in a non-eclipse enviroment, oss probably should make a nice build using ant. (Maven, so far has just given me pain, but others love it)
Thanks all.