



Is Sphinx, is there way to automatically link text like #112 or r1023 to the corresponding tickets/changesets in Trac?

For eg:

#112  -> http://mytracsite/tickets/112
r1023 -> http://mytracsite/changeset/1023

See TracLinks for more examples.

+5  A: 

If you put this in your

trac_url = 'http://mytratsite/'

from docutils import nodes, utils
from docutils.parsers.rst import roles
import urllib

def trac_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
  ref = trac_url + '/intertrac/' + urllib.quote(text, safe='')
  node = nodes.reference(rawtext, utils.unescape(text), refuri=ref, **options)
  return [node],[]

roles.register_canonical_role('trac', trac_role)

Then you can use :trac:`#123` and :trac:`r1023` in your documents.

This is probably the easiest way to make quick links to a trac site. It automatically works for all kinds of TracLinks because it uses the intertrac mechanism for the links.

Geoff Reedy
Worked great, thanks.
Sridhar Ratnakumar
This is great stuff, thanks for posting this.
Kevin Horn
Wow, adding roles is that easy? Cool! Only the register_canonical_role would look nicer as a @canonical_role decorator ;)