
How to match linux device path to windows drive name?

Hi, I'm writing an application that on some stage performs low-level disk operations in Linux environment. The app actually consists of 2 parts, one runs on Windows and interacts with a user and another is a linux part that runs from a LiveCD. User makes a choice of Windows drive letters and then a linux part performs actions with corre...

Advertised disk space vs actual disk space

Why is it that advertised disk space is almost always higher than the disk space reported by the UI? For example, I have an "80 gb" hard drive, but the iTunes UI indicates only 74. I usually see this as well with hard disks and the amount reported with the drive letter. ...

Enumerating all available drive letters in Windows

Hi! I want to enumerate all available drive letters (which aren't already taken) in Windows using VC++. How can I do this? ...

Network Drive label

Hello, I'm trying to get the label of some network resources mapped as drives. When I use DriveInfo.GetDrives(), local volumes have the VolumeLabel filled parameter as expected, but in network drives it is an empty string. How can I get those labels? ...

Creating drives to remote resources in windows?

There does not appear to be any good software to mount an FTP to a local drive letter (see here for details SF Question) so I was thinking why not just write it myself, but I have very little experience dealing with windows (at the programming level) so what would be involved in doing something like this? What needs to be done to get a ...

Locking removable drive?

Friends, How to lock/unlock(software based) removable disk/drives in VB6? I need to know any specific win32 routines are there for this purpose? ...

System.IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives() hangs with disconnected network drives

Hi, I am writing a file manager in .NET 3.5. At startup, the application must enumerate available drives. I am using DriveInfo.GetDrives to do that. Unfortunately my users lamented that, when they have disconnected network drives, the application took about 30 seconds to start. I discovered that the GetDrives() function hangs for many...

Getting logical drives

I use following code to get logical drives: string[] strDrives = Environment.GetLogicalDrives(); but when I want to iterate through it, an exception occurs, with the message: Drive Not Ready How can I get just ready drives? ...

how to search media file in our system by c#?

Hi, I want to search the media files situated in my system by c#. means I want to create the search engine that will scan all drives (again small question here , how to get the drives on our system by c# code ? )and search the media files like .mp3,.mp4,...etc . How can i do that by c# desktop application? ...

How to display label of unnamed drive ?

I want to get the name or label of drive. I use this function : function GetVolumeLabel(DriveChar: Char): string; var NotUsed: DWORD; VolumeFlags: DWORD; VolumeInfo: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; VolumeSerialNumber: DWORD; Buf: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin GetVolumeInformation(PChar(DriveChar + ':\'), Buf, Si...

Ruby Get Available Disk Drives

Can anyone tell me how I can get a list of the available disk drives in ruby? I am creating an open file dialogue and need to know! Thanks in advance, ell. ...

Check if drive is writable windows API function

Hello is there any windows API function that would return if drive is writable. Sometimes drive is visible under drives but when trying to programaticly write to it, it gives you a msg box error wich freezes the application until user presses the ok button. Is there any built in function that would check if drive is writable without the...

Delphi - How to get list of USB removable hard drives and memory sticks?

In my application (Delphi), I need to list all the USB storage devices. These can be either flash memory sticks or external storage drives. There is a Jvcl component JvDriveCombo, and it has the DriveType property - the problem is if I select 'DriveType := Fixed' then in addition to the external drive, it also lists the internal drives...