
sql statistics io scan count explanation

Hi, Simple question, but I haven't found a good explanation on google. When using Set Statistics IO ON, the logical reads and scan count is provided in the message window of management studio. If I have: tblExample, scan count 5, logical reads 20 What does scan count signify? ...

Calling the McAfee virus scan engine

I have a request from a client to integrate virus scanning into an application using the McAfee Virus Scan which they have on their server. I have done a bit of investigation and found that McScan32.dll is the main scan engine and it exports various functions that look useful. I have also found mentions of a McAfee Scan Engine SDK, but h...

How can I configure Structuremap to auto scan type in Assembly and Cache by Singleton?

I am using with StructureMap to scan and register all repositories and services for me. Now I want to register and cache by Singleton. How can I do? Thanks... IContainer container = new Container(x => { // Register Repositories and Services x.Scan(y => { y.AssemblyContainingType<SomeRepos...

Is there a Perl equivalent for String.scan found in Ruby?

I want to do this in Perl: >> "foo bar baz".scan /(\w+)/ => [["foo"], ["bar"], ["baz"]] Any suggestions? ...

What is the most efficient way to add an element to a list only if isn't there yet?

I have the following code in Python: def point_to_index(point): if point not in points: points.append(point) return points.index(point) This code is awfully inefficient, especially since I expect points to grow to hold a few million elements. If the point isn't in the list, I traverse the list 3 times: look for it a...

How would I scan a directory to make links to pdfs using php?

I'm really new to php but what I want to do is make a dynamic table of contents for some of my companies job offerings. so if i put all the pdfs of the job descriptions in a folder called ../jobops with the php file located in root directory what would i need to do. ...

Virus scanning component

I need to scan uploaded files on the server side. I have application. The application is hosted on Windows server. Can you point to some component or even commercial product with SDK or API, that can do the scan? ...

How do I scan a remote file system efficiently?

I do have a time limit and would like to know what is the efficient way to scan file system remotely (talking about 50 millions of files in the extreme case)? The command dir takes ages (approx time 20 hours!!!). ...

JQuery access dynamically created objects

Hi there. How can I acceess objects(divs) that were dynamically generated. I mean DIVS that were not present in output when $(document).ready(function() started. If I do: $('#click_me').click(function() { $('#container').append('<div id="clicker2">can you click on me?</div>'); }); $('#clicker2').click(function() { alert('hurray, it wo...

Is it possible to search the database for related files when a file is loaded in a upload form

I have an idea for a site that involves uploading files to the site. But what I'd like - and wondering if it's possible - is when a user clicks on "Browse", and selects the file, if it's possible for the site to automatically scan the site's database for similar files before they upload the file to the site. Kind of similar to the automa...

How to scan an IP Range C#

How to scan a specific range of IP and also increment it to user defined range.. in like most of the port scanners. but how to increase host bits.. it increases network bits.. ...

PHP: Data from cURL, HTML Scan

How can i scan a html page, for text within a certain div? ...

TSearchRec with progressbar

I've this procedure to search for files , But what i want to add is the progressbar feature; the progressbar will move along with procedure . procedure TfrMain.FileSearch(const PathName, FileName : string; const InDir : boolean); var Rec : TSearchRec; Path : string; begin Path := IncludeTrailingBackslash(PathName); if FindFirst(P...

Interpolating environment variables into a string in Ruby using String#scan

I'm trying to interpolate environment variables into a string in Ruby and not having much luck. One of my requirements is to do something (log an error, prompt for input, whatever) if a placeholder is found in the initial string that has no matching environment variable. It looks like the block form of String#scan is what I need. Below i...

Display `pretty output` of directory content from array

Hi, I'm using the following code to get an array of directories and their sub-directories where each contain file type extension: png. It works great but I need to be able to output the results of the array in a list style format e.g. * Test -> test2.png -> test1.png * subfolder -> test3.png * sub sub folder -> test...

how to search media file in our system by c#?

Hi, I want to search the media files situated in my system by c#. means I want to create the search engine that will scan all drives (again small question here , how to get the drives on our system by c# code ? )and search the media files like .mp3,.mp4,...etc . How can i do that by c# desktop application? ...

Which is the fastest way to scan files in FAT32 disk?

I want to scan FAT32 disk (I just need file path and file name) as soon as possible in C++, Scan every files on FAT32 disk. Is there any API to do this? Many thanks! ...

SH/BASH - Scan a log file until some text occurs, then exit. How??

Edit - Reworded the question a bit on April 7th to make it clearer. Current working environment is OSX 10.4.11. I want to scan a log file for a certain phrase. The log file can NOT be emptied at the start of the script. Thus, the script must scan only changes to the log. My current script: #!/bin/sh tail -f log.txt | while read lin...

PHP incomplete code - scan dir, include only if name starts or end with x

I posted a question before but I am yet limited to mix the code without getting errors.. I'm rather new to php :( ( the dirs are named in series like this "id_1_1" , "id_1_2", "id_1_3" and "id_2_1" , "id_2_2", "id_2_3" etc.) I have this code, that will scan a directory for all the files and then include a same known named file for each...

Constantly checking a port without a while loop.

In a program (Java) I'm making I need to check for a specific pin in the parallel port. Whenever that pin goes from logical 0 to 1 (a positive edge clock) I have to read the data on the port and save it. This happens about every 10ms but can vary a little. To do this I made a separate thread with a while loop that is constantly checkin...