
How can I load different endpoints for WCF in SQL CLR?

We're deploying some new WCF calls in our SQL 2005 DB using the CLR. In testing, I hardcoded in the code the endpoint to connect to, and deployed it to our test server. When we go to deploy this to production, we will be deploying it to many different SQL DBs, and using different endpoints to connect to (same service running on different...

Labeling Web Service endpoints

The web service endpoint usually is defined in an early stage of a project. Since it follows the "contract first" principle, it shouldn't be changed after communicated to client systems. Therefore, it is vital to label the web service in a good way. How would you label web services? e.g. http://my.domain.com/businessProcess/services/...

Can several WCF services share a common BaseAddress?

I've got an assembly containing several WCF services, each with its own contract. It all works nicely. The service config in the app.config for the service looks like this: <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="WcfService.AlyzaServiceBehavior" name="Sam.Alyza.WcfService.ServiceWebsites"> <endpoint address="" binding="netT...

SQL Server 2005 DB Mirroring Error

I'm getting the following error when trying to setup SQL Server 2005 DB Mirroring on my servers. I am running two Win2K3 servers with SQL 2005 on each with one of those running alongside a SQL 2000 Version. After restoring the database with NORecovery and configuring the endpoints, I run into the following error when I try to start the...

Sharepoint and SQL server Endpoint

I created a LinkedServer on MS SQL Server 2005 pointing to my Active Directory. Nothing too fancy. Simple LinkedServer with ReadOnlyAdmin Account assigned to CONNECTAS Property. Then I created some storedprocedures to retreive some data from the LinkedServer. Again nothing too fancy. Just a few simple LDAP Queries. Then I created a SQL...

How do I get the server endpoint in a running flex application?

I need a way of getting the active server address, port, and context during runtime from my flex application. Since we are using ant for our build process, the server connection information is dynamically specified in our build properties file, and the {server.name}, {server.port} and {context.root} placeholders are used in the services...

2d path finding with multiple possible end points?

I currently have another question to do with path finding in Java. However I feel this is a separate question. I'm making a game. The path-finding will need to be able to deal with multiple possible end points. All the path finding algorithms and tutorials I have found only have one end point. Would this alteration be easy to tweak int...

What is an "endpoint" in WCF?

I was under the impression that an endpoint was defined in a config file as the list of possible clients but that makes no sense (in the sense that I assumed it said what computers could connet to the service) now I'm gathering that it's more of a definition, so would someone please explain what an end point is to me? I understand the co...

calling SQL Server Endpoint web service

I understand that SQL Server endpoint returns data using SOAP. Does anyone know if they can return JSON data? Thanks! ...

Programmically configuration of endpoints vs. web/app.config

Has any put much thought into this? Personally, I think managing endpoints in configuration files are a pain. Are there any pros/cons to doing one over the other? ...

SQL Mirroring End Points

We have a SQL 2005 database server which uses high safety (synchronous, no automatic failover, no witness) mirroring to keep our disaster recovery site in a sort of warm standby. I was about to make some changes to the principle DB the other night preparatory to a new version of the app which uses it when I noticed that the mirroring had...

How Do I configure Multiple Service Endpoints in WCF?

Hi. I'd like some basic guidance on setting up my WCF configuration. This is my first serious effort with WCF (and first post on stackoverflow). I have a WCF class library (APILibrary) that I am referncing in my web project. In the wcf library, I currently have two services - IAuthService and ITradeService. Along these lines, I h...

Multiple endpoints under IIS

I have been trying to add a new endpoint in a service hosted under IIS but haven't been able to figure it out for the past day or so. This is my understanding: you can have multiple endpoints under IIS as long as they have unique addresses. you could assign a base address but it will be overridden by the virtual directory setup in IIS...

Need Help With AJAX-Enabled WCF Services (Please Look @ System.ServiceModel in Web.Config)

Hi. I have been having some problems with this for a few days now... I have designed a WCF Class Library - WebAPILibrary. It is under my solution which also contains my web project. I now am attempting to enable a AJAX/JSON response to a search query. In the client code examples, I see something to the effect: function btnsrch_o...

Flex Builder Endpoint Tokens

I'm trying to get a better understanding of how endpoints work. I've read this and have learned that the services.config is "baked" into the swf at compile time. In that article he references the tokens... <endpoint uri="http://myServer:{server.port}{context.root}/flex2gateway/" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/> ... wher...

WCF service not working after program update

I have recently added a WCF service reference to my program. When I perform a clean install of this program, everything seems to work as expected. But, when I install the program on a client which already has a previous version (without the new service reference) installed, I get a exception telling me the default endpoint for this parti...

WCF service returning another service (service factory?)

We are using WCF for communication between a client and a server application. The client application has many features that requires communication to the server - and we have chosen to implement this in multiple classes (seperation of responsability) For the time, we are creating new WCF endpoints and service contracts for each object -...

"Portable" JAX-WS client

I deployed a JAX-WS Service and use wsimport to generate client code. Because I run wsimport on localhost, I got the client code with binind on "localhost" address. But I want to reuse those client code on other computers which access my deployed service with a public IP y.y.y.y. How can dynamically use those (once) generated client cod...

REST friendly WCF Endpoints in .NET 3.5

I wanted to create REST friendly URLs with my WCF service endpoints by avoiding the use of .svc. I know I can accomplish this by using IIS rewrite module to append the .svc. Does anyone else know of a better way to do this? Please note that I am limited to .NET 3.5 and cannot use .NET 4.0 (so can’t use System.Web.Routing in .NET 4.0) ...

What happens when a WCF client specifies multiple endpoints for the same contract?

Will it consume from all of them? Will it throw an exception? ...