
[C#] Getting the IP Address of a Remote Socket Endpoint

How do I determine the remote IP Address of a connected socket? I have a RemoteEndPoint object I can access and well as its AddressFamily member. How do I utilize these to find the ip address? Thanks! Currently trying IPAddress.Parse( testSocket.Address.Address.ToString() ).ToString(); and getting instead of fo...

WCF: Why does passing in a remote endpoint fail?

The problem I am having connecting a wcf client application to a host running on a separate machine is documented in a question previously asked: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/489915/wcf-why-does-passing-in-a-remote-endpoint-fail However, the solution provided here says you need to use a SpnEndpointIdentity with an empty string. S...

WCF endpoint binding settings don't get updated

All attempts to change configuration settings of WCF self hosted service endpoint fail: public void Start() { BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); binding.Name = "NAVBinding"; //--------------------START editing------------------------------- TimeSpan interval = new TimeSpan(1, 50, 00); // all t...

WCF HTTPS and HTTP bindings with single web.config

Is there any way I can accomplish the following: Single Web.config file for a .net web application. the web application exposes a number of WCF services for consumption by javascript. Production requires ssl, so all these services are forced over ssl. Development does not allow ssl, (ASP.NET development server) How can I configure th...

How to programatically set a single endpoint for a WCF service

I'm trying to allow for user configuration of a WCF service, including the IP and port number that the service listens on. The user has a separate config application that allows for these values to be set, but the problem I am running into is that the app.config MUST have an endpoint defined in order to create a new ServiceHost entry...b...

WCF endpoint address, default still available after specifying an address

Hi Guys These are my endpoints endpoint name="rest" address="" binding="webHttpBinding" behaviorConfiguration="poxBehavior" contract="IActionService" endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" which makes the service available at /here when I change the address to [say] 're...

USB Endpoint Stalled Error

Hi All, I am getting "endpoint stalled error" in my CDC device. The usb stack is detecting the cable. The state is set as running but the errorcode is set as 0x11 which indicates 'USB_ENDPOINT_STALLED'. I verified and found that the endpoints has been assigned properly. What would be scenarios when "endpoint stalled error" would be r...

WCF - remote service without using IIS - base address?

I'm trying to get my head around the addressing of WCF services. We have a client-server setup where the server occasionally (maybe once a day) needs to push data to each client. I want to have a lightweight WCF listener service on each client hosted in an NT service to receive that data. We already have such an NT service setup hosting...

C# WCF Server retrieves 'List<T>' with 1 entry, but client doesn't receive it?! Please help Urgently.

Hi Everyone, I've been battling and trying to research this issue for over 2 days now with absolutely no luck. I am trying to retrieve a list of clients from the server (server using fluentNHibernate). The client object is as follow: [DataContract] //[KnownType(typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List<ContactPerson>))] //[KnownType(type...

EndPointDispatcher and Attributes set on the service or service contract

I am using WCF and IServiceBehaviors, and adding EndPointDispatchers. What I would like to check is that on the EndPointDispatcher is there any way of check to see which attributes have been set on the Service or Service Contract? The reason for doing this is that if a Service has an attribute then a new Inspector will be added if not...

WCF Self Host Service - Endpoints in C#

My first few attempts at creating a self hosted service. Trying to make something up which will accept a query string and return some text but have have a few issues: All the documentation talks about endpoints being created automatically for each base address if they are not found in a config file. This doesn't seem to be the case for...

Overriding config file WCF Base Addresses in code.

Hi, I have a WCF Windows service with an endpoint specified in the config file for the service. <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="net.tcp://localhost:9000/MyEndpoint"/> </baseAddresses> All works ok. However, in some cases port 9000 might already be in use which causes the ServiceHost to fall over on Open(). I nee...

Multiple endpoints for single contract in WAS-hosted WCF service?

If one needs to expose multiple endpoints (e.g., one with basicHttpBinding, and another with netTcpBinding) for a single contract in a heterogeneous environment, on a WAS-hosted service, how does one do it? Everything I've read about WAS configuration of endpoints indicates that endpoint addresses and host base addresses should be left ...

WCF When to create a End Point

I have a WCF service which has (at the current time) One endpoint defined, to a IMyService which implements about 20 IDataTypeService which has the DB interfaces for the objects. The service is pretty high usage and I am having occasional error re timeout and other high use errors. I am looking for information as to whether to create ...

WPF/C#: Get the endpoint of the a dynamic path and add an object to it

Hi, I am looking for way to get the endpoint of a dynamic path and add on object to it - similar to this kind of pattern: where the red circle is where the endpoint of the given path is located. take note that the path is created thus, instead of this: <Path x:Name="path" Data="M621,508 L582.99987,518.00011 569.99976,550.00046 511.9...

How do I create a Mule ESB Service to HTTP POST using name/value pairs?

I need to create a mule service that will POST data to a web service that expects name/value pairs (not xml), then process the XML response from that service. I cannot find a good example on how to prep the payload for an http POST. Can someone provide some insight or examples? What I have so far is (I don't know if 'PathToTransforme...

Multiple WCF endpoints for same service with Cassini

I'm trying to config a WCF service for Silverlight to use either http or https and it works fine with IIS, but not the web server built into Visual Studio (Cassini). The services section of web.config system.serviceModel is: <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="RhymeDotBehavior" name="RhymeDot.Service.Root"> <endpoint name="Rh...

What is the difference between tcp::endpoint and udp::endpoint in Boost::Asio?

It seems boost::asio defines a separate endpoint class for each protocol, which is irritating if you want to perform both UDP and TCP operations on a particular endpoint (have to convert from one to the other). I'd always just thought of an endpoint as an IP address (v4 or v6) and the port number, regardless of TCP or UDP. Are there sign...

When to use the Endpoint Identity node when configuring a WCF client app?

My question stems from an earlier client proxy that svcutil generated for me based on a server configuration. I use a server side certificate credential using a Sql Memebership provider to authenticate the user. For the bindings I simply used <behavior name="MembershipBehaviour"> <serviceMetadata httpsGetEnabled="true" /> ...

How to configure a single WCF Service to have multiple HTTP and HTTPS endpoints?

What I am trying to do is get a SINGLE WCF Service to work in the development environment which is the HTTP scheme, and, also, have the SAME service work in the production environment which is the HTTPS scheme. If I remove the two Https endpoints (those suffixed 'Https'), it works in the development enviornment; likewise, if I remove onl...