
WS Addressing

What is WS Adressing? Thanks Sekar ...

Find the address of a DLL in memory

Hi, I have just been getting into low level programming (reading/writing to memory that sort of thing) and have run into an issue i cannot find an answer to. The piece of information i want to read from has an address that is relative to a DLL loaded in memory e,g, it is at mydll.dll + 0x01234567. the problem im having is that the dll ...

Asynchronus Web service using WS Addressing

I need to implement an WCF WS Addressing enabled web service that performs a long running process based on the method's arguments. The client does not need to wait for the result, because it will be delivered directly to a database table. However, the web method does need to return a 'tracking id' number (a GUID actually) so the client...

WS Addressing

Hi All Please any one clarify me WS Addressing in WCF does support the multiple ReplyTo or not?. Thanks Sekar ...

Addressing in CSS in Flex: Buttons in RichTextEditor only?

I want to change the font characteristics for buttons in the toolbar of the RichTextEditor, but I want them to be different than other buttons in my application. Is there any way to do this with just CSS? I know that I can do it with setStyle if necessary... ...

Writing part of an array to a worksheet range

Since it is not possible to dynamically delete a single row (record) of a 2D array, I am looping through it to find certain records to exclude. I want to write out the good portion of the array to a temporary array, then back... and in the process eliminate the unwanted record. Any example code of success with this? ...

Masm indirect addressing mode for MOV commmand

I've tried the following forms and masm doesnt like any of them: mov byte [myVariable], al mov byte ptr [myVariable], al mov [byte myVariable], al what am i missing? why cant i seem to use indirect addressing. the error i get from masm is 'Missing operator in expression" on some of the lines, some of them say "Structure field expecte...

addressing in assembler

hi, there is something i can't digest. I'm learning some assembler and right now i'm at chapter with addressing. I understand the concept of brackets for dereferencing, but somehow when I see the usage of it I just can't soak up the point of it. To be a little bit more exact here is where my confusion started: mov al, [L1] ok here I s...

Application bundle on OS X does not work, file addressing problem.

Hey there My application requires a XML file to work and it doesn't even start without the file. Why I bundle my app as a JAR file it works fine as long as the XML file is placed in the same directory as the JAR file. When I'm exporting the project as an OS X application package, the application does not work. If I copy the XML file in...

x86 and Memory Addressing

I've been reading up on memory models in an assembly book I picked up and I have a question or two. Let's say that the address bus has 32 lines, the data bus has 32 lines and the CPU is 32-bit (for simplicity). Now if the CPU makes a read request and sends the 32bit address, but only needs 8 bits, all 32 bits come back anyway? Also, t...

WCF - remote service without using IIS - base address?

I'm trying to get my head around the addressing of WCF services. We have a client-server setup where the server occasionally (maybe once a day) needs to push data to each client. I want to have a lightweight WCF listener service on each client hosted in an NT service to receive that data. We already have such an NT service setup hosting...

Cause PostBack and Call Event Fired By Server-Side Button (ASP.Net Button)

I have yet another strange need. I have a jQuery dialog that has a dynamic button ( My Button that will be "fired": <asp:Button ID="RenewSubscriptionButton" runat="server" Visible="false" /> My Hidden input with the postback val: <input type="hidden" id="RenewSubscriptionPostBackValue" runat="server" /> In my page_load: Me.Renew...

how do addressing modes work on a physical level?

I'm trying to learn this basic thing about processors that should be taught in every CS department of every university. Yet i can't find it on the net (Google doesn't help) and i can't find it in my class materials either. Do you know any good resource on how addressing modes work on a physical level? I'm particularly interested in Inte...

Addressing data using relative pointers (x86-32 assembler)

Hello. I'm writing in 32-bit x86 assembler, and I'm not quite sure how to address data that is always in the same relation to the code. Do I have to use EIP to calculate the absolute address, or is there a better way? ...