
Mule xml to soap problem

Hi, I'm not sure if there many Mule users on here but I'm hoping someone might be able to help me! I'm having a problem calling a webservice from Mule using Axis. I've created a fairly simple example where I have xml in a file being read by Mule, it's then transformed into a Document and sent to the webservice. The relevant code in the...

only latest message to be present in active mq?

I am sending messages to an active mq queue through mule. I want that only latest message to remain in the queue and not any previous one. how can this be achieved? thanks. ...

Unable to locate NamespaceHandler core

org.mule.api.lifecycle.InitialisationException: Initialisation Failure: Configuration problem: Unable to locate NamespaceHandler for namespace [] Offending resource: URL [file:/D:/School/EAD/CourseSVN/bart/EA3/conf/dare2date-config.xml] I know that you have to add stuff you need to mule's c...

Mule Aggregator - Streaming Aggregation

The collection aggregator used in the Mule 2.0 framework works a bit like this: An inbound router takes a collection of messages and splits it up into a number of smaller messages - each smaller message get stamped with a correlation id corresponding to the parent message These messages flow through various services Finally these messa...

MULE lifecycle - how to hook into startup process

I would like to be able to create some directories after Mule has started, but before it starts any other services. I started looking into notifications but I'm not sure if that is the right place to do it. I will need access to the spring beans so it would have to be after spring init, but before any of the connectors and other process...

Is Integrating an ESB (ServiceMix/Mule) Worth the Learning Curve?

I'm looking at integrating an ESB into an existing Java/Maven web based product. Specifically, I'm looking at ServiceMix and Mule. The product will connect to several different services, including email, Quartz, RESTful webservices over HTTP, SMS and IM. I've only quickly glanced at the documentation and the two options seem to be pretty...

Mule/Jetty Setup

I have a working Mule application that I want to setup Jetty on to respond to http requests. The following config: <jetty:endpoint address="http://localhost:8080" name="jettyEndpoint" host="localhost" port="8080" path="/" synchronous="true" /> <service name="jettyUMO...

How to patch a subcomponent in a maven-managed framework?

I need to patch the mule-transport-jms subcomponent of mule for this bug ( The "fix" is straightforward but what is vexing me is deploying the patched component to my local maven repo (managed by Nexus) and having it continue to play nicely with all the other components of mule. What I w...

How to Use Grizzly Embedded Server for Mule as Well as Jersey

I'm currently using JerseyTest w/ Grizzly embedded server to test some code. I do some very simple configuration to point it to the proper resources: Map<String, String> initParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); initParams.put("", "com.sample.service"); ApplicationDescriptor appDescriptor = new A...

Howto: Configure Spring-WS to publish WSDL files with a '?WSDL' style URL?

I am trying to configure web service proxying using Mule ESB. I am attempting to do this using Mule's WSProxyService, but after stepping through the corresponding code (with the debugger), it is clear that this class replaces endpoint addresses. The problem is Spring-WS WSDL addresses are of the style http://xxxx/xxxx.wsdl, but WSProxy...

Anyone integrated MULE (ESB) into .Net platforms or WCF?

HOw did you integrate? SOAP? etc ...

Create pass through with Mule ESB 2.2.1

I'm attempting to set up a config file for Mule ESB 2.2.1 that routes incoming requests to another box. This seems straight forward, but I am getting connection refused exceptions and I'm not sure why. Here is the model from my Mule configuration file: <model name="ProxySample"> <service name="HttpProxyService"> <inbound> ...

How to keep inbound host with custom Mule ESB router

I created a custom router with one endpoint. The custom router looks up the destination of the endpoint based on the URL parameters of the inbound URL. I have an example of this up and running, and I am testing it out in a browser. I am trying to solve one last thing with this. When I make the call in the browser using http://localhost:8...

Mule ESB /GigaSpaces XAP/Appistry/GoGrid for Paas Platform to OnBoard Multiple Applications as SaaS?

We are working on a project to develop a platform that will allow us to easily add multiple applications onto a cloud platform so that the applications can be offered on a SaaS basis. There will be single sign on access to all the apps (likely through Open SSO). We are thinking of: 1. Mule ESB (to integrate apps developed in different...

Drools, spring and mule

Has anyone combined these technologies? Could you share lessons learnt? ...

Expose a POJO as a Websevice in Mule via Configuration _Only_?

Technologies Involved Mule Apache CXF Given A simple POJO (controversial acronym, but let's say a smart POJO): public class SmartPojo implements SomeBusinessInterface { public String doSomethingSmart( With something ) { String result; result = Irrelevant.process( something ) return result; ...

JaxWsProxyFactoryBean for Mule CXF transport?

Hi Everybody I am new to mule. Are there any way to call CXF based web services using JaxWsProxyFactoryBean? It will be nice to reuse Java interface instead of wsdl files. With CXF we can simply reuse our java interface as spring bean for web services client without wsdl2java code generation. <bean id="{Bean Id}" class="org.apache.cxf...

Jruby Rails app on Tomcat CPU Usage spikes

This might also belong on serverfault. It's kind of a combo between server config and code (I think) Here's my setup: Rails 2.3.5 app running on jruby 1.3.1 Service Oriented backend over JMS with activeMQ 5.3 and mule 2.2.1 Tomcat 5.5 with opts: "-Xmx1536m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled" Java jdk 1.5.0_19 ...

Accessing Spring Security User Details from within Mule Services

We're securing Mule services using the Spring Security Framework, and some of the services need to access some information in the UserDetails object. Is there a way to access this object from within a Mule service? Thanks, Dennis ...

Mule ESB - How to get MimeMessage instead of MimeBodyPart?

I'm trying to get the FROM email address in Mule ESB. I'm getting the retrieved object as MimeBodyPart, I'd like to have MimeMessage instead. How to do this? Any solution - either in Mule or Java is welcome. The Mule config part for inbound end-point is as below - <inbound> <pop3s:inbound-endpoint user="" password...