
Nexus CMS - Google Search Appliance indexing. Anybody use this CMS? i dont know much about it, need to index a site which was built using it with a GSA (google search appliance), but there is very little documentation about it on their website. wondering if there will be any pitfalls, what type of database does it use.. thanks. ...

Snapshot Repository v/s Release Repository

This is a newbie Q, but What is the difference between a Snapshot Repository v/s Release Repository? This is with reference to setting up Repositories (like Artifactory, Nexus etc) ...

Maven, Hudson and Dynamic Clearcase Views

This led on from the question about asking if Apache Maven and IBM Rational ClearCase integrated well. Thought I should write up what I found out - will require various edits, but I shall eventually get round to adding it all I hope. Environment ClearCase - Version of ClearCase. Maven - All of them, from the Maven website. ...

Should we use Nexus or Artifactory for a Maven Repo?

We are using Maven for a large build process (> 100 modules). We have been storing our external dependencies in source control, and using that to update a local repo. However, we are ready to graduate to a local repo that can cache central so that we don't have to proactively download all 3rd parties (but we can still have a local repo ...

How do I backup a nexus repository manager

The nexus book: Does not seem to spend any time on how one should go about backing up a nexus repository. If I am installing my snapshot and releases into this local repository, it seems that it would behoove me to back it up. However, I'm not really interested in backing up anythin...

How to pass in credentials when connecting to sonatype nexus (anonymous login disabled) ?

In eclipse, the m2eclipse plugin will prompt me for my credentials when I'm building a maven2 project. And it compiles fine. But if I now try to run "mvn install" from the command line, I get an artifact not found error. How do I add the username/password into my pom.xml in order to solve this problem. Thanks ...

nexus indexer (macosx-leopard) issue

hi, I'm stuck trying to add org.nakedobjects.prototyping : application, the nexus indexer cant find anything. I've realized that in the url text box doesn't contains the http;// address, any clues? I'm using the latest version of eclipse 3.4.2 ...

Ivy via Nexus proxy

Hi, does anyone knows how do I specify in Ivy something like mirror/mirrorOf in Maven? I'm working with a local Maven proxy (Nexus) and need the tool to specify which of the parent repositories should Nexus proxy be accessing. In Maven I do simply: <mirrors> <mirror> <id>central-mirror</id> <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf> ...

Handling authentication and proxy servers with httplib2

I'm attempting to test interactions with a Nexus server that requires authentication for the operations I intend to use, but I also need to handle an internal proxy server. Based on my (limited) understanding I can add multiple handlers to the opener. However I'm still getting a 401 response. I've checked the username and password are v...

Implementing a custom Python authentication handler

The answer to a previous question showed that Nexus implement a custom authentication helper called "NxBASIC". How do I begin to implement a handler in python? Update: Implementing the handler per Alex's suggestion looks to be the right approach, but fails trying to extract the scheme and realm from the authreq. The returned value f...

PHP Timeout when connecting to

Hi all! I'm writing an MSN client in PHP. This is my code for so far: $socket = fsockopen("", 1863); echo '<b>Connected to 1st server.</b><br />'; //Send MSNP version fputs($socket, "VER 0 MSNP10 CVR0\r\n"); echo fread($socket, 5000) . '<br />'; //Send user-agent fputs($socket, "CVR 1 0x0409 php ".phpversion()." i3...

Is there a way to make the Maven build independent of the network connection?

I'm working in a Continuous Integration environment and part of the automated build process includes the compilation of Maven managed projects. What I want to know is if there is a way to make the Maven build independent of the network connection. Currently we have the all the jar's that we need installed in the repository but the pro...

Adobe Flex/AIR Maven integration

I am writing an Adobe AIR application that needs to build in a CI using maven and nexus. I tried to follow this article which is the most up to date article from the source, but I still don't understand these things: Are the first and second pom.xml examples in the article in the same pom.xml file? How do I get the Flex SDK dependenci...

Directory as Artifact in Nexus/Maven

I'm using Maven2 and Nexus to build my web application project. I managed to upload some 3rd party jars in Nexus as described in the user manual. I tried to do the same with Ext GWT ( I succeeded to upload the included gxt.jar as an artefact, but Ext GWT also has an "resources" folder that contains images...

Nexus supports Mass upload of artifacts?

Hi, I wanted to know if we can have mass upload of artifacts to the repository in Nexus. ...

Can Nexus/Artifactory store a copy of an internet Maven artifact?

I would like to have Nexus (or Artifactory, we're not decided yet) store a copy of an artifact when it is downloaded from a public repository on the internet (like Maven Central). Basically, if you don't have the jar in your local repo and the repo manager doesn't have it either, I want to ask the repo manager for the jar, have it send ...

How to patch a subcomponent in a maven-managed framework?

I need to patch the mule-transport-jms subcomponent of mule for this bug ( The "fix" is straightforward but what is vexing me is deploying the patched component to my local maven repo (managed by Nexus) and having it continue to play nicely with all the other components of mule. What I w...

Nexus: Configure jarvana as a remote repository -- what's the URL?

I'm converting an Ant build system to use a local Nexus mirror (1.3.6), and can't seem to get Nexus to proxy Jarvana repository. One of our dependencies is jython 2.5, which is available only on Jarvana. I had no problem configuring other repository proxies, such as at For Jarvana I've tried...

How do I deploy to nexus (hosted by secureci)?

Like recommended in a previous SO-Answer I'm running a VmWare image of secureci as a preconfigured development infrastructure containing maven, nexus, hudson, svn. Now I want to configure maven on my Windows XP machine to deploy its artifacts to nexus. But when I configure my pom.xml like this (taken from Deploying Artifacts to Nexus): ...

Sourceforge org property for Ivy and Nexus

When trying to use the following settings: <dependency org="net.sourceforge.artifact" name="artifact" rev="2.0"/> and: <artifact pattern="http://localhost/nexus/content/repositories/releases/[module]/[artifact]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" /> Nexus expects http:// ... net/sourceforge/artifact/artifact/revision/artifact....