
gwt-maven-plugin appends "-linux" when getting gwt-dev artifact.

Hello, I've been trying to get the gwt-maven-plugin to work for me. Hopefully someone can help me. I'm using gwt-maven-plugin 1.2 and trying to get it to work with gwt 2.1.0.M3. We have a nexus repo at work and I've put the latest gwt jars there. The plugin fails when trying to download the gwt-dev jar. The gwt-dev jar is located at 2...

Why does sqlite3 command using the android adb shell return "permission denied"?

Specifically, I was trying to use the sqlite3 command with the adb shell to run some queries on the database of the Android application I'm building. I kept getting "sqlite3: permission denied". I'm developing on a Nexus One that I purchased from Google. Does my phone need to be rooted or something? Thanks in advance. $ sqlite3 /da...

It's possible to put binary files on nexus repository?

Hi, At my work all development is over java techonology, and we use nexus for manage our maven repositories. But for a new project, it's necesary build dll's and exe's artifacts, so, it's possible to put those windows binary files into a nexus repository?, there some plugin to make this simplier?, it's a crazyness what i'm trying to do?...

remove artifacts from nexus repository

Hey, I deployed some artifacts and I copy-pasted wrong name of those artifacts. I remember that manual playing with repository content brings problems. What is the recommended way for dealing with these situations ? EDITED: I thought there was no way of deleting artifacts from hosted repositories via web interface. Now I see that in t...

Missing maven dependency using nexus setup

I am trying to build a maven project to test out some testing software - Arquillian. I setup nexus and added the jboss repositories to the bottom of the public group. When i run mvn test i get this error: Missing: ---------- 1) com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:jar:1.1-SNAPSHOT Try downloading the file manually from the projec...

How to make Sonatype's Nexus Repository to work with SpringSource’s EBR

I'm looking to add the SpringSource EBR (Enterprise Bundle Repository: to Nexus as a proxy. My main reason to doing so is that SpringSource OSGi-fied various well known OSS projects (ex: Velocity, AspectJ...), making them easy to be included in OSGi runtimes. Anyway, it seams that are some troubl...

Configuring Grails Plugins with Nexus Repository

Hi, I'm searching for a longer time, but without any solution. My problem: I configured my Grails project (1.2.4) with Maven and my own Nexus Repo. That seems to be working well. But can I also put the Grails plugins, which I am using, also to the Nexus Repo? At the momement the plugin dependencies are resolved over the Grails Plugin...

Tomcat Nexus URL mapping for Maven POM

Hi, I'm running the maven repository manager Nexus on Tomcat. When I setup my pom file, my repository URLs all look something like http://myhost/nexus/repo-name. I'd like to get the word "nexus" out of the URL. We're currently transitioning from an older repository manager and now we need to update all of the URLs. However, if we had a ...

how do I get sbt to use a local maven proxy repository (Nexus)?

Hello, I've got an sbt (Scala) project that currently pulls artifacts from the web. We'd like to move towards a corporate-standardized Nexus repository that would cache artifacts. From the Nexus documentation, I understand how to do that for Maven projects. But sbt obviously uses a different approach. (I understand Ivy is involved someho...

Sonatype nexus snapshot deploy into hosted repository - snapshot request doesn't translate into timestamp

Hey, I created hosted snapshot repo, deployed snapshot artifact, added to the public repo...and now maven http request cant get the artifact-1.5.-SNAPSHOT.jar. It's there, but the request is not translated into the timestamp instead of SNAPSHOT. Metadata contains correct values. public/org/exist/exist-core/1.5-SNAPSHOT/exist-core-1.5-20...

Nexus One not recognized after 2.2 upgrade

Using Mac OSX 10.6.4, device was recognized with the stock 2.1-update1 version. Manually upgraded to 2.2 (FR91), and device is no longer recognized by adb. Suggestions? /Russ ...

How do you ensure repeatable builds with an artifact repository like nexus or artifactory vs. checking libs into source control?

In all of the artifact repository's that I've evaluated I have to see how I can maintain my repository in such a way that I can archive old stuff so I'm not looking at thousands of artifacts in the tree while still being able to have repeatable builds of old software. Not being able to rename/move/archive old artifacts means that they h...

MAVEN / Eclipse TargetPlatform

We are building an Eclipse RCP plugin that is based on an Eclipse target platform (also developed internally in our company, by a different department). We would like to compile the plugin using MAVEN2 (we also use NEXUS for repository management). The target platform consists of about 130 JARs (most of them org.eclipse.*). One way to ...

How to proxy spring milestone repo using nexus.

I want to proxy the spring milestone repository using nexus. Can anybody tell me the correct url to use. ...

Android 2.2.1 Nexus one : Voice recognition problem

HI Folks, I have a strange problem for Voice recognition on Google Nexus one phone which have Firmware:2.2.1.Voice recognition gives multiple interpretations of the spoken word When I speak "Hello" to the voice recognition, the results received is "hello, hotels, photos, fomdem, honda" which is expected to come only "hello" The same thi...

Android OpenGL half screen problem

I have follow an example of an opengl application and I don't know why is this thing happening... I have a GLSurfaceView with it's corresponding renderer drawing a triangle. But, instead of getting the whole view on screen, I have just the upper half, and it's also duplicated as you can see on the picure. I'm using a Nexus One the xml...

Ivy: Retrieving Snapshot published in Nexus and its dependencies

I am using Ivy to publish a snapshot of a built Jar to a locally hosted Nexus repository using the following Ant target. <target name="publish"> <ivy:publish resolver="nexus_snapshot" pubrevision="SNAPSHOT" overwrite="true"> <artifacts pattern="${dist.dir}/[artifact].[ext]" /> </ivy:publish> </target> This appears to w...

Deploying snapshot sources - Is it possible ? It increments build number

guys I don't know what could be wrong, but I'm deploying snapshot and sources with gpg:sign-and-deploy-file, but the sources name does always have the value of the following buildnumber. Like artifact-timestamp-1.jar and artifact-timestamp-2-sources.jar so that if I then have a snapshot dependency, it is looking for artifact-timestamp-2...

maven 1 source artifact in maven 2/3 ?

I have a large base of maven 1 artifacts with their source jars named as app-0.0.1-src.jar. This repository is converted with nexus to a maven 2 view. Unfortunately the m2 convention on source jars is "...-sources.jar", so none of our m1 artifacts has sources. Is there any way in nexus or otherwise to make maven 2 (esp. m2eclipse) down...

Upload artifacts to Nexus, without Maven.

I have a non-Java project that produces a versioned build artifact, and I want to upload this to a Nexus repository. Because the project isn't Java, it doesn't use Maven for builds. And I'd rather not introduce Maven/POM files just to get files into Nexus. The links on blogs to the Nexus REST API all end up at a sign-in wall, with no "c...